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Thursday, November 5, 2015

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Does This Insane Jar Jar 'Star Wars' Theory Predict 'The Force Awakens'?


jar jar, jar jar binks, star wars, star wars theory, the force awakensWe've read a lot of crazy internet theories in our day, but this latest one, about a much-maligned character from the "Star Wars" prequels potentially being the most cunning and evil being in the entire galaxy, might be the most insane. Or is it?

The theory comes courtesy of a Reddit user (really, could it come from anywhere else?) named Lumpawarroo, who claims that Jar Jar Binks may in fact be more than just a clumsy simpleton who was a painfully unfunny (and some say racist) attempt at comic relief who never should have inhabited the "Star Wars" universe in the first place. But what if, Lumpawarroo asks, that was all a ruse? What if Jar Jar was not only a Force user, but a skilled fighter, master of mind control, and in fact the person behind the rise of the evil Emperor Palpatine?

Okay, you can stop laughing now. It sounds pretty ridiculous, right? Well, Lumpawarroo understands your reaction, and he's ready to make his case. In an insanely long, rambling, and ridiculously detailed post, the Redditor outlines the reasoning behind his theory, which involves Jar Jar simply pretending to be a complete buffoon in order to make himself seem less threatening. He gets people like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn -- people who really should know better -- to not only trust him, but allow him to be their sidekick and guide, through the use of the Force's mind control (a trick he also employs to get elected to the Galactic Senate). All those slapsticky pratfalls and bumbling "lucky" breaks? They're actually a form of martial arts known as Drunken Fist, and it turns out Jar Jar's a master.

If you're still with us here (and really, we wouldn't blame you if you weren't), Lumpawarroo saves his biggest piece of evidence for last. George Lucas, he explains, had always meant for the prequels to mirror the events of the original trilogy, so that "The Phantom Menace" would closely follow the plot of "Return of the Jedi," "Attack of the Clones" would mimic "The Empire Strikes Back," and "Revenge of the Sith" would mirror "A New Hope." In "Empire," Lucas introduced Yoda, who's initially portrayed as a silly little character who inhabits Dagobah and bothers Luke Skywalker, before revealing himself to be a Jedi master. As Lumpawarroo explains:

Here's what I think happened: I think that Jar Jar was initially intended to be the prequel (and Dark Side) equivalent of Yoda. Just as Yoda has his "big reveal" when we learn that his tottering, geriatric goofball persona is just a mask, Jar Jar was intended to have a big reveal in Episode II or III where we learn that he's not really a naive dope, but rather a master puppeteer Sith in league with (or perhaps in charge of) Palpatine.

Whoa. That's a tall order. But after reading Lumpawarroo's evidence (and really, if you've made it this far, you should check out the entire thing), it kind of makes sense. Lucas was no doubt embarrassed by moviegoers' intense dislike of Jar Jar, Lumpawarroo explains, and thus eventually scuttled those plans, shoehorning in Count Dooku as the villain in "Attack of the Clones." But what if Disney -- wanting to build upon the branding that was already established by the prequels, and cater to the younger generation that grew up with those films -- had plans to revive that idea after all? Lumpawarroo thinks it's possible, and lays down his ultimate theory: that Jar Jar will in fact be revealed to be the mysterious new character played by Andy Serkis, Supreme Leader Snoke, in "The Force Awakens."

We don't really know anything about Snoke so far, though his noble title suggests he's playing a villain. And from the one photo of a mo-cap-equipped Serkis that we've seen, there does appear to be an odd appendage on his head, which, if you squint, suggests the shape of Jar Jar's head and ears.

It's huge leap, for sure, though we have to say, if true, it would be pretty brilliant. Also, Lucasfilm should probably hire Lumpawarroo as a researcher or consultant, since he's proven himself an expert at picking up on the most minute details in the "Star Wars" universe.

We'll find out if he's right when "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" hits theaters on December 18. We'll keep our tinfoil hats handy until then.

[via: Reddit]

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George R.R. Martin Says Tolkien Inspired 'Game of Thrones' Ending


67th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards - Press RoomFans of the "Lord of the Rings" series may feel something familiar when they (finally, eventually, maybe someday) sit down to read the forthcoming ending to George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, the source material behind hit HBO show "Game of Thrones." According to the author, he's taken lots of inspiration from fellow heavily-initialed author J.R.R. Tolkien, and the last two books in the series, "The Winds of Winter" and "A Dream of Spring," will reflect that.

But for those thinking that Gollum or a giant glowing eye are going to show up, think again. Instead, Martin revealed that he's really looking to mimic the tone that Tolkien established in the final book in the "LOTR" series, "Return of the King." During an alumni event at Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism on Wednesday, the author expanded on that thought. Vulture reports:

"I think you need to have some hope," he said, referencing the manners in which sagas end. "We all yearn for happy endings in a sense. Myself, I'm attracted to the bittersweet ending. People ask me how Game of Thrones is gonna end, and I'm not gonna tell them ... but I always say to expect something bittersweet in the end, like [J.R.R. Tolkien]. I think Tolkien did this brilliantly."

Martin went on to explain that he himself "didn't understand that" when he read the book as a boy. Now, however, he has a different view, as reported by Vulture:

Tolkien's use of allegory to reveal life's grittier truths (the tragedy of post-war Britain in the late '40s and early '50s, in the case of Lord of the Rings), even in the face of a well-earned victory is brilliant. You can't just fulfill a quest and then pretend life is perfect, he said. Life doesn't work that way.

Those comments reflect similar statements Martin has made about the series's end in the past, and it's good to know that his vision hasn't wavered since then. That also could mean he's actually a lot closer to releasing those elusive books, the next of which may or may not be coming out sometime next year.

Either way, audiences can expect to see some of this vision play out their television screens soon, since the show is set to overtake the events of the already-published books any time now. May we suggest (with lots of love, of course) that Martin stop talking about "ASOIAF"'s ending so much and maybe just write it already?

[via: Vulture]

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'The Voice' Coaches Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefani Are Dating


the voice, blake shelton, gwen stefaniEagle-eyed viewers of "The Voice" may have noticed that coaches Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani appeared particularly close; now, after weeks of stirring up romance rumors, Stefani's rep has officially confirmed that the stars are indeed dating.

In a statement to Us Weekly, Stefani's spokesman said, "Gwen and Blake are longtime friends who have very recently started dating." The singer's rep declined to provide any additional comment.

According to Us Weekly, Stefani and Shelton kicked the gossip machine into overdrive in recent days, when they "were spotted getting cozy with each other at multiple Halloween parties in L.A. over the weekend." Their definitive confirmation came on the eve of Wednesday's CMA Awards, which Shelton was attending and had planned to bring Stefani as his date to afterparties.

Shelton split from fellow country star Miranda Lambert back in July after four years of marriage. Stefani and her husband, rocker Gavin Rossdale, also divorced this summer after 13 years of marriage.

No word yet on whether or not "The Voice" will address the newly-confirmed couple, aside from some teasing from fellow coaches Adam Levine and Pharrell Williams. May we suggest a Battle Round featuring a Gwen-Blake matchup?

[via: Us Weekly]

Photo credit: Trae Patton/NBC

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'Fantastic Beasts' Reveals American Term for Non-Magic People (Not 'Muggle')


So ... should we stop saying "Muggle" completely here in the United States? J.K. Rowling wrote the script for the Harry Potter prequel "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them," which is set in 1926 New York City. In a new cover story with Entertainment Weekly (featuring a bunch of new photos) it's revealed that we'll be getting some new words in the Potter universe, including the U.S. version of Muggle: "No-Maj." EW said it's pronounced "no madge," as shorthand for "no magic."


We'll be hearing "No-Maj" quite often in the 2016 movie, which sends Eddie Redmayne's Newt Scamander to NYC. Considering we live in a world were everything is shortened -- Jennifer Lawrence to JLaw, Ben and Jen to Bennifer, ScarJo, Soho, YOLO, I can't, I can't even, etc. -- it's kind of fitting that the U.S. got its own We Never Quite Complete The Thought abbreviation. Besides, "Muggle" does sound kind of insulting, especially when U.K. wizards spit it out so dismissively. No-Maj sounds like it could double as the hip new neighborhood north of Hogsmeade.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is scheduled for release November 18th, 2016.

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Daniel Craig Facts: 11 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About the 'Spectre' Star


Daniel Craig took over the iconic role of James Bond in 2006's "Casino Royale," which kicked off some of the best movies in the franchise. Now he's hitting the screen as 007 once again with "Spectre." Since he plays an international man of mystery, it shouldn't be a surprise that you don't know everything about him.

Here are 11 things you probably didn't know about Daniel Craig. Italy Spectre 007 Photo Call[Source: IMDB, ABC, Rolling Stone]

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Here's Angelina Jolie's Classy Response to Leaked 'Spoiled Brat' E-mails


WSJ. Magazine 2015 Innovator Awards - ArrivalsAngelina Jolie Pitt is currently promoting her new movie "By the Sea," which she wrote, directed, produced, and stars in alongside husband Brad Pitt. But while the New York Times had her handy, they asked for her reaction to those hacked Sony e-mails.

You may remember the exchanges between producer Scott Rudin and Sony Pictures Entertainment co-chairman Amy Pascal, discussing the idea of Angelina Jolie wanting David Fincher to direct her in a "Cleopatra" movie.

Gawker has a full breakdown, but at one point Rudin wrote to Pascal, "There is no movie of Cleopatra to be made (and how that is a bad thing given the insanity and rampaging ego of this woman and the cost of the movie is beyond me)." He added later, to the same e-mail, "I have zero appetite for the indulgence of spoiled brats and I will tell her this myself if you don't." In another e-mail, Rudin wrote of Jolie, "I'm not destroying my career over a minimally talented spoiled brat who thought nothing of shoving this off her plate for eighteen months so she could go direct a movie. [...] She's a camp event and a celebrity and that's all and the last thing anybody needs is to make a giant bomb with her that any fool could see coming." Yikes.

So the NY Times asked Angelina Jolie if she was surprised when she read "the bruising exchange" about her between Amy Pascal and Scott Rudin. Jolie said she didn't real the emails, but she knew what was in them. Here's her response:

Someone told me. There are certain things that bother me and certain things that don't. Personal attacks on me? I think I'm just so used to it. Honestly, my first instinct was that I was worried about Amy. I had someone call her and ask if she was O.K. Not because I'm a saint, but because I think we have to look at the bigger picture. She's got kids. I knew it was going to unravel for her."

Sony Pictures Classic 68th Annual Golden Globe Awards PartyThat's a classy reaction, but considering most of the vitriol was from Scott Rudin, it's not too shocking to see her take the high road. It's also in keeping with her aim to stay positive instead of negative, when it comes to everything, including gender discrimination in Hollywood. As she put it at one point in the Times interview:

I just think that sometimes people in the business focus on the fact that you're a minority. I don't want people saying, "Should we get a female director?" I want to hear, "Should we get a great director for this movie?" But I'm the first female director that Brad's ever worked with. That doesn't seem right when you think about it. [...] Sexism is part of every industry and must be addressed. But I try not to focus on the negative but the positive side of what we can bring. I want to support other women because of the opportunities I've had - and I've had a lot of opportunities. What I try as a female director is to do the best job I can and in the meantime bring attention to as many other female directors and writers as I can. Right now I am producing "The Breadwinner," an animated film about Afghanistan. Nora Twomey is the director."

Good for her. Considering all she's accomplished on- and especially off-screen, "spoiled brat" seems like the least apt description.

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7 Times James Bond Was an HR Nightmare


Even spies have to follow rules, and James Bond has made a career out of breaking them.

But because he's cool and wears fancy suits while doing it, we give him a pass. Sure, he saves the world in the process, but leaves a ton of red tape in his wake. If Bond lived in the real world like the rest of us, the only trips he would take would be to and from the HR office.

In "Spectre," he goes (surprise, surprise) rogue to search for an evil organization and, in the process, he turns Mexico City into his personal UFC octagon -- complete with exploding buildings and fights in (and outside) flying helicopters. And that's all before the opening titles.

After 24 movies, Bond's Human Resources file must be pretty thick. Here are seven times 007 was a huge HR nightmare.

1. Drinking on the Job
Can't totally blame 007 for this one. If our boss had a cool office door padded with what look like leather couch covers, we'd want to have ALL the meetings there, too. M also served liquor to Bond on not one, but two, separate occasions during the Brosnan Era. So this one is kinda on her.

2. Breaking Into His Boss's House
Twice. Once in "Casino Royale" and in "Skyfall." In the former, he also hacked her computer and celebrated by playing solitaire in M's favorite chair. Apparently, Bond also carries a License to Make D**k Moves.

3. Letting Fellow Co-Workers Die Horribly
In "The Living Daylights," Bond's stiff-assed buddy, Saunders, decides to help Bond and his latest sex receptacle while on a layover in Vienna. What does Saunders get for his kindness? Exploded. While walking through a sliding-glass door. And what did Bond do? Nothing.

Traditionally, good employees shouldn't let their colleagues get killed or detonated right in front of them.

4. Bad at Following Directives
Most employees, when tasked with an assignment, they complete it and repeat. Maybe sometimes question the boss' orders, but the job gets done.

Not for Bond. In "The Living Daylights," after witnessing several 00's get killed, 007 holds off on reporting in so he can make eyes at some yacht sank (pictured) for an hour.

He then disobeys M's orders to kill a KGB assassin because his gut tells him otherwise. He then fakes the assassination of another high-ranking Russian figure, sparking an international incident, in between blowing up his own car and doing nothing to prevent the death of the aforementioned Saunders. This all goes down in one film.

5. Ridiculous Travel Expenses
The only trips Bond should be taking are dropping off forms to Accounts Payable.

Between first-class flight arrangements and usually traveling with some motor vehicle as a carry-on, Bond's expense reports could bankrupt MI6. Maybe even London. (Don't even get us started on all the health and safety forms you know he never fills out but leaves for some pencil pusher making less than $40k.)

6. Rampant Sexual Harassment
Legal must love Bond. In addition to decades worth of paternity suits, they have to contend with 54 years of bad sexual innuendos (pictured) and advances aimed at Moneypenny. Not to mention all the mental health stress and OT he forces upon Q every time he goes out into the field. James clearly needs Jesus.

7. Willful Property Destruction and Disrespect of Office Supplies
When lending 007 gadgets, MI6 should just have a "No Means No" policy. All Q ever asked for was for Bond to try to bring back the gadgets in one piece. And every time he asks, he's practically daring Bond to find new ways not to do that.

He seems to collect inventive ways to destroy his expensive cars; he's blown up Aston Martins, driving them through (and into) ice hotels, and left them at the bottom of Roman rivers. And you some of Bond's explosive pens and lazer watches -- he totally sells them on eBay.

But the fact that Q Branch still lends out their tech, or M still sends Bond on missions that result in several city blocks worth of wanton destruction, honestly they are their own worst enemy here. Good luck with that peer mediation, guys.

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'Daily Show' Canceled After Trevor Noah's 'Emergency Appendectomy'


UPDATE: Thankfully, the show will go on Thursday night. Trevor Noah updated just a few hours before the new show aired:

Original story:

Send your healing thoughts over to Trevor Noah. The new host of "The Daily Show" had quite a day yesterday -- heading to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, leading to the cancellation of the Wednesday night show. The good news is that he seems to be OK now, and the Comedy Central series should return to business as usual tonight (Thursday, November 5). But keep an eye on "The Daily Show's" Twitter account in case they decide that's too quick a turnaround and air a repeat tonight, too.

Here's how "The Daily Show" described the situation yesterday:

They wouldn't be the "Daily Show" without a cheeky addition like "from his time in an American hospital." As one commenter requested, "Please post what the American hospital billed you. LOL" Yes! Might as well made lemonades out of lemons. Seriously, though, appendicitis is no joke. Trevor was probably in a lot of pain, and to go from that to a new show tonight is impressive ... unless it's too much. It's OK to take another sick day, even early in your run, when it's for emergency surgery!

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Here's Disney's Dark First Trailer for 'Alice Through the Looking Glass'


Curiouser and curiouser! Disney just shared a two-minute trailer for "Alice Through the Looking Glass," a sequel to the 2010 movie, "Alice in Wonderland," starring returnees Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway, and Helena Bonham Carter.

James Bobin is directing this adaptation of Lewis Carroll's novel, with Tim Burton now just producing. The second book was set about six months after the first, but the new movie is going in a lot of its own directions, so be prepared for anything.

In the 2016 story, Alice must return to Underland and travel back in time to save the Mad Hatter. Speaking of "time," Sacha Baron Cohen plays Time (part human, part clock) with Rhys Ifans as Zanik Hightopp, aka the Mad Hatter's father.

As you can see from the (wild, dark, and super creepy) trailer, tough times are ahead for young Alice. There's a "Lord of the Rings"-meets-"Harry Potter" vibe to the striking visuals, like Alice has to save the Shire before it's destroyed by Voldemort.

Watch the trailer:

"Alice Through the Looking Glass" is scheduled for release on May 27th, 2016.

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17 Emma Stone GIFs That Give Us Life


Emma Stone is one of those celebs we would totally be best friends with if we could just get five minutes alone with her. She would love us, we swear! #BFFs

And one of the reasons we (and the Internet) love her so much is because she is basically queen of the GIFs. So, here are 17 times her GIFs made us scream "Yas, queen!"

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'E.T.' Writer Melissa Mathison Dies at 65, Read Steven Spielberg's Sweet Tribute


Steven Spielberg directed the 1982 classic "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial," but he couldn't have brought the iconic character to life without screenwriter Melissa Mathison. Mathison died Wednesday, November 4 after an illness, her brother Dirk Mathison confirmed to Variety. She was 65.

In addition to her Oscar-nominated screenplay for "E.T." -- for which she also received an associate producer credit -- Mathison wrote scripts for "The Black Stallion," "The Escape Artist," "The Indian In The Cupboard," Martin Scorsese's "Kundun," and the upcoming Spielberg movie "The BFG," which is in post-production.

Mathison was also married to actor Harrison Ford for more than 20 years, from 1983-2004, and they have two children together, Malcolm and Georgia.
Spielberg and "Kundun" producer Barbara De Fina both shared statements after Mathison's death.

"She was a lovely woman, and it's a great loss," De Fina told Deadline. "She was a wonderful writer. The project was about the Dalai Lama but at the core was about a boy separated from his home. I think of her as being a great parent. The choices that she made were so interesting and unusual, and it was all about family. When I think of what she's written, it always comes back to family and home."

Spielberg told Variety, "Melissa had a heart that shined with generosity and love and burned as bright as the heart she gave E.T." He had previously said, of her "E.T." script, "Melissa delivered this 107-page first draft to me and I read it in about an hour. I was just knocked out. It was a script I was willing to shoot the next day. It was so honest, and Melissa's voice made a direct connection with my heart."

And that connection is still strong for viewers more than 30 years later. Rest in peace, Melissa.

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Jennifer Lawrence Will Play 'a MESS' in Sister Movie With Amy Schumer


US-ENTERTAINMENT-HUNGERGAMESHollywood may still be a boys club, but Jennifer Lawrence told Entertainment Tonight she's not writing any cameos for her male "Hunger Games" co-stars in her new movie with Amy Schumer. "No, no, no, no, no...There's not really boys in it." That's certainly a change of pace. We'll have to see if she meant that literally as no boys allowed or if we may see a stray male face here or there in the background, but with the focus on the star/screenwriters themselves.

Jenifer and Amy already revealed they will play sisters in the movie they wrote together, but Jen just shared more plot and character details with ET: "Amy, in this movie, she has it very together. It's her lifelong dream to be a flight attendant. She works at the airport. And I'm a MESS." Ah, but JLaw does mess so well! See "American Hustle" and, in a different way, "Silver Linings Playbook." It'll be good to see Amy as the one together, though, since that's a change from what we usually see from her, in "Inside Amy Schumer" and "Trainwreck."

Amy had called the script "funny," "dirty," and "real" and Jen agreed with those descriptions. Explaining how this amazing collaboration came together, Jennifer said she reached out to Amy and it all happened very quickly. "We both have very similar senses of humor, obviously and aren't afraid, which is a good and bad thing, because I don't know what our movie will be rated. And we're both very blunt. So we've gotten through a really strenuous process without ever fighting, because we're both very straightforward." Sounds great so far. Guessing the movie will be rated R, like "Trainwreck," which helped convince Jennifer that she and Amy "were made for each other."

Are you excited to see this movie, whatever it will be called and whenever it comes out?

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'Back to the Future' and 9 More Classic Movies They Should Never Remake


In this age of nonstop sequels, remakes and reboots, sometimes it seems like there's no room left for original ideas in Hollywood. Why bother when there's more money to be made in dusting off an old favorite and giving it a new coat of paint?

That said, we'd like to think that some cinematic classics are too sacred to remake. With the recent fuss over Back to the Future Day, that had us thinking about the movies we never want to see remade or rebooted. These 11 films accomplished what they set out to do so well that there's simply no way of improving on the formula.

"Back to the Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy" is available to own now on Blu-ray & DVD.

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Catherine Hardwicke's 5 Favorite Female Friendship Movies


Catherine Hardwicke has directed everything from "Thirteen" to "Twilight," and now she's taking on the Toni Collette-Drew Barrymore friendship movie "Miss You Already."

To celebrate the release of her new movie, Hardwicke shared her five favorite movies featuring female BFFs -- and she has amazing taste.

Be sure to catch "Miss You Already," opening November 6th. Plus, check out a clip from the movie below!
Miss You Already - Clip No. 1

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The 25 Best Bond Girls Ever, Ranked


James Bond's kill-em-or-kiss-em days are not what they used to be, but he refuses to let go of the kiss 'em part.

After 24 movies, the only thing Bond does more than judo chop bad guys is collect lady friends to help pass the time in between explosions. Some are there to give 007 someone to protect or rescue from secret lairs, others are there to bring some harm to him -- but he beds them anyway. He's classy like that.

As "Spectre" adds two more names to the super spy's growing list of international Tinder dates, we've ranked and filed the best Bond Girls ever.

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Best of Late Night TV: Country Music Mean Tweets, James Bond Rents a Car


If you're like us and value your sleep, you probably nodded off into your Ambien dreamland before the party started on post-prime time TV. Don't worry; we've got you covered. Here's the best of what happened last night on late night.

Even a Southern twang can't perfume nasty tweets about being f--ked by a gorilla or looking like the house band at Chili's. Yes, it's time for another round of "Jimmy Kimmel Live's" Mean Tweets! The Country Music Association Awards aired Wednesday night, and Jimmy simultaneously did his show from two places: Live in Los Angeles, then beamed into the CMA Theater in Nashville as a hologram. While getting into the CMAs spirit, he had country music stars read off mean tweets. The Brad Paisley one is kinda great. Willie Nelson's isn't even remotely mean. The Hunter Hayes one is TRUE and so cute. Carrie Underwood's is entirely unintelligible. For once, there were more men being insulted than women. Can't really call that progress, though.

No one just hands James Bond Aston Martins anymore! "Spectre" star Daniel Craig was on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" and Stephen said he has a beef with James Bond. Bond always gets these beautiful cars and gadgets and then completely wrecks them in every movie. Daniel: "Well, he does drink a lot of martinis..." Stephen wondered why they would ever give 007 another car? Daniel said they address that in the new film, so they showed a clip -- of Bond heading to a rental agency. It's HILARIOUS, especially when Dan can't stop laughing. Ken Jeong and Erin Andrews were on "The Late Late Show with James Corden" -- someone get this poor girl a bathroom break! -- and Dr. Ken showed off some of his sweet dance moves. If he were on "Dancing With the Stars," he'd do some Michael Jackson moves and the stuff he shows off in this video: The amazing Aziz Ansari was on "The Tonight Show" so Jimmy Fallon put him to work as Bobby Jindal, with Fallon asking the candidate about his chances of winning the Republican primary, now that he's polling at less than 2 percent. Classic!
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