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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

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Latest Movie News From Moviefone

James McAvoy, Daniel Radcliffe Argue for Science in 'Victor Frankenstein' Clip


Victor FrankensteinMessing around with life and death is a frightening proposition for some. For James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe in "Victor Frankenstein," it's exhilarating.

McAvoy plays Mary Shelley's famous doctor, with Radcliffe as his loyal assistant Igor. In this clip, they're dining with the beautiful Lorelei, who's dubious about their idea of bringing the dead back to life.

"Every day, science and technology changes the way we live our lives," Igor (Radcliffe) notes. And Frankenstein himself argues passionately for the ability to resurrect a murdered man to testify against his killer. Victor Frankenstein EXCLUSIVE - Life Is Beautiful
But, as those of us who know this story are well aware, technology can become a terrifying beast and science can spiral out of control. Perhaps Lorelei is right that "life and death are different."

"Victor Frankenstein" opens in theaters November 4.

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Princess Leia's Gold Bikini May Be Phased Out Soon


Star Wars Return of the JediPrincess Leia's gold bikini - perhaps the most famous swimwear in pop culture - might be disappearing soon.

On Facebook, "Star Wars" comic artist J. Scott Campbell said he heard from "two sources" that the outfit - worn by Carrie Fisher in "Return of the Jedi" - would not be featured in future movies, marketing, or merchandise.

"Daisy Ridley won't have to fight against anything. Disney is already well on it's way to wiping out the 'slave' outfit from any future products period. You will NOT see and future merchandising featuring the slave outfit ever again. Trust me," he wrote.

His comment about Ridley, who stars in "The Force Awakens," refers to an interview in which Fisher warned the young actress about how she's portrayed, particularly in regards to her costumes. "[Y]ou should fight for your outfit. Don't be a slave like I was," Fisher advised.

Campbell made sure to tweet that he didn't know anything definitive - and Disney and Lucasfilm have not responded to the reports - but it wouldn't be a surprise if Disney is phasing out Leia's gold bikini. There is much more scrutiny now about how female characters are treated in male-dominated movies and franchises.

Of course, this would just extend to official merchandise. Cosplayers, time to search Pinterest for a DIY gold bikini!

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Here Are the Official 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Character Posters


Star Wars: The Force Awakens"Star Wars" fans might not be getting another "Force Awakens" trailer, but here's a nice, chewy bone in the form of five character posters, which were revealed by the movie's official Twitter account.

Most of them are fairly identical, with a close-up of the character's face, right eye obscured by some object. Rey (Daisy Ridley) is holding her staff:
Star Wars the Force Awakens
And here's Finn (John Boyega) and Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) with their lightsabers:
Star Wars the Force AwakensStar Wars the Force Awakens
And a very good shot of Han Solo (Harrison Ford), blaster in hand, ready to shoot first:
Star Wars the Force AwakensAnd last, we've got Leia (Carrie Fisher). Her right eye is visible through a laser/light beam of some sort, as she stands in what appears to be a command center:Star Wars the Force Awakens
The posters are nice, though not particularly revealing. It's interesting, though, which characters Lucasfilm chose to highlight in this first batch - not Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) or Captain Plasma (Gwendoline Christie). Maybe they'll be in a second batch?

And of course, still no sign of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)!

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" opens December 18.

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Here's What Major Cities Would Look Like After a Zombie Apocalypse


Have you ever wondered what famous landmarks might look like after a zombie apocalypse? "The Walking Dead" showed a version of undead Atlanta, and may give a glimpse of Washington, D.C. "Fear the Walking Dead" is still covering Los Angeles, "28 Days Later" showed London, "World War Z" took a cool look at Jerusalem, and "Dawn of the Dead" just went to the mall.

Pop culture loves the ZA, especially when it demolishes anywhere teens might hang out. So the designers at DesignCrowd used their imaginations to show what major cities and landmarks might look like in a walker-infected world. Graphically destroyed cities include Paris, London, New York, and Sydney, plus the poor Taj Mahal in India.

It looks like the New York designer went for an approach similar to "I Am Legend" (which is not a zombie movie, but still). And you have to imagine they were aiming for "HELP" in London, although it could just as easily be "HELL."

The photo above is a montage of undead cities, but you can check out more designs, and larger versions of those images, at Designcrowd.

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Naomie Harris Reveals What It Takes to Play an Icon in 'Spectre'


Thanks to Naomie Harris, Moneypenny is more than just a Bond Girl.

Ever since "Skyfall," when she took on the role of MI6's most famous executive assistant, Harris has helped define the character's personality in ways that the Bond series never has -- mostly because Moneypenny didn't have one before.

With her origin story firmly established in the previous film, the character moves forward in "Spectre" -- finding herself caught between a "changing of the guard" within London's espionage community and the old guard represented by Bond's unique brand of kill-them-or-kiss-them tradecraft. Moviefone recently sat down with Harris to talk about Moneypenny's new role in this brave (and violent) new world, and how she keeps the character progressive while remaining true to the 007 legacy.

Moviefone: What do you think distinguishes your Moneypenny from the past ones? What's essential quality that all Moneypenny's need to have?

Naomie Harris: The ability to hold her own in the field distinguishes her from the past. And the essential quality needed to be Moneypenny are intelligence, wit and flirting skills!

What latitude did having an origin story give you when playing an iconic character -- since she never had one before?

Having an origin story gave me less rather than more latitude as it meant that I wasn't free to create a backstory of my own for the character. But, I was grateful for that as it meant there were very clear guidelines within which to work in reinventing a modern Moneypenny. I knew she had initially chosen field work which gave me huge insights into who she must be as a person, and that also lead on to me understanding the bravery of her decision to take a desk job ultimately.

"Skyfall" and "Spectre" seem very aware of the need for a more progressive Bond universe. Did your characterization feel that way at all in this movie or the last?

Absolutely. When I was cast, one of the first things Sam and Barbara made clear was that they wanted a thoroughly modern Moneypenny, one who was kickass and who women would identify with and respect.

So, what excited you the most about what your character gets to do in "Spectre"?

I was most excited to see how my character takes to her new position and role within M16, and explore what that transition felt like for her. It's rare for a Bond movie to take the time to have just two people in a room, talking -- which is what "Spectre" does in a key scene between Moneypenny and Bond in his flat. Can you talk about the mood on set that day -- did you have any input in the script in terms of what your character said?

No, I don't really ever ask for input on the script. My mum is a writer, so I really respect writers and try to work within the parameters and lines written by the writers. If something feels totally unnatural to my character, I will of course speak up -- but not otherwise.

With respect to the atmosphere on set, it was our very first day of filming when we shot that scene, so I think everyone was energized, focused, excited to have got started -- but also nervous about setting sail on a new Bond adventure.

In terms of realizing your character, how tied do you feel in these movies to classic Bond iconography?

Not at all! I've never even thought of my character in those terms at all.

But since these films are reintroducing classic Bond mythology, are there any aspects you would like to see updated?

No, I think the producers, writers and Sam have done a brilliant job of ensuring that the classic elements of Bond are kept while also ensuring that it's moved with the times and reflects modern life.

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Here's the First Glimpse of Benedict Cumberbatch Shooting 'Doctor Strange'


Guess what? "Doctor Strange" will be released exactly one year from today -- on November 4, 2016. So it's fitting that the first image from the movie is being leaked today. It's not an official shot, it's just a glimpse of Benedict Cumberbatch (with a cumber-beard?) on set, as shared by a witness:

Marvel super-sleuths, does this image give you any clues? surmised, "Considering Cumberbatch's appearance and the setting, we're guessing the crew is currently filming the good doctor's origin, where he travels in search of a cure for his broken hands and instead finds the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton), who teaches him the mystical arts." It's helpful to run into people like that.

Marvel's "Doctor Strange" -- directed by Scott Derrickson, and also starring Rachel McAdams and Chiwetel Ejiofor -- follows the story of neurosurgeon Dr. Stephen Strange, who gets in a terrible car accident (bad) then discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions (good!). "Stephen Strange's story requires an actor capable of great depth and sincerity," producer Kevin Feige said when Marvel released the Cumberbatch casting news. "In 2016, Benedict will show audiences what makes Doctor Strange such a unique and compelling character."

It's early days yet, but we're excited for more set teases, plus official photos and at least one chills-inducing trailer. And we still hope these 7 things happen in the movie.

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J.K. Rowling Shares Favorite Fan Art in Honor of Sirius Black's Birthday


ET.0627.Potter5.07 -- DANIEL RADCLIFFE as Harry Potter and GARY OLDMAN as Sirius Black in Warner Bros. Pictures 2007 fantasy movie "Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling only recently revealed that Harry Potter's godfather, Sirius Black, was born on November 3. Yesterday, in honor of what would've been his 56th birthday, Rowling shared some fan art showing Sirius and James Potter, aka Harry's dad:

The artist is probably crying with joy to be singled out. We see James and Sirius (smoking?! tsk tsk) in 1978. Since Sirius was born Nov. 3, 1959 and James on March 27, 1960, that would make them around 18-19 here. James only lived until 1981, murdered by Voldemort on Halloween when he was just 21. Every time Rowling takes us back down memory lane like this we want to re-watch that video combining "Harry Potter" character deaths with "Furious 7's" "See You Again."

You probably saw that Rowling is working on a children's book, and she said she has many more ideas for adult books, but we'll have to see if she can ever create another world that makes us feel as much as Harry Potter. We may not be able to take it!

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Every Season of 'Project Runway,' Ranked From Worst to Best


tim gunn project runway seasons rankedIf it were up to us, "Project Runway" would never be "out," it would just play on a loop 24/7/365.

Sadly, Season 14 will say auf wiedersehen on Thursday, November 5th, so now seems like a good time to take stock and rank the previous 13 seasons, with the expectation that the 2015 season will probably fall somewhere in the middle of the pack once it's done. (Tim Gunn "hated" Season 14, but there have been worse.) Every season of PR is a precious, unique little rhinestone, but, like the judges, we have our favorites -- and now it's OUR turn to be biased.

So here's our very subjective but still definitive worst-to-best ranking, which may only be challenged by a glare from Nina Garcia, an eye roll from Michael Kors, a "make it work" from Tim Gunn, or an "out" from Heidi Klum.

13. Season 11 (aka 'Teams')project runway season 11 cast photoMaybe it seemed like a good, or at least dramatic, idea at the time, but "Teams" was a problematic concept for a full season. It brought out the worst of the show without really giving the designers a chance to be truly creative and show their individual talents to the audience. It was frustrating, and even though the season gave us a strong winner in Michelle Lesniak, a good winner can't save a troubled season. Plus, this was the first season without Michael Kors as judge and even though Zac Posen is wonderful, once you've tried Kors, Kors Lite just isn't the same.

12. Season 6project runway season 6 castThis was the L.A. season and showed why PR is strongest in New York. Swatch (the dog at the NYC Mood), the heart of the show, wasn't there and things just weren't the same in L.A. There weren't too many standout moments this year, other than eventual winner Irina Shabayeva getting the nickname "Meana Irina" even though she wasn't even that mean... compared to others in the franchise.

11. Season 9project runway season 9 castThe 2011 season had a tough start when we had to watch the 20 designers pitch themselves to the panel to earn one of the 16 spots. There's a reason we usually skip that part. But it was really frustrating that so much of this season focused on Anya Ayoung-Chee having no sewing experience and not even knowing how to make a sleeve. She still won the whole season, despite doing a very basic (but still very Anya) collection that belied all the usual construction/improvement criticism. The season had a lot of big personalities and engrossing drama, but overall it was more frustrating than fun.

10. Season 12project runway season 12 castThis is another one with a great winner -- Dom Streater -- but a mixed bag along the way. Kate Pankoke was voted back from Season 11, for whatever reason, and she bonded with Helen Castillo, who spent so much of her time getting emotional that it was a struggle to watch. But she wasn't even as bad as time bomb Sandro Masmanidi, who quit, or Ken Laurence, who just got way too mad. Justin LeBlanc was a welcome respite, but, overall, this season seemed more about dramatic personalities than design.

9. Season 13project runway season 13 castThere was some drama this season from Korina Emmerich vs. Char Glover, Sandhya Garg vs. everyone else's taste, and Kini Zamora being robbed (at least from here). But it also produced some fantastic designs, especially from Kini and winner Sean Kelly in "The Rainway" challenge, and from Amanda Valentine, who wasn't really an obvious choice to return but turned out to be great. It's a bonus that this season had so many likable but still unique and different people worth rooting for, with not that many "reality TV personalities," especially toward the end.

8. Season 7project runway season 7 castWhy did Maya Luz quit?! It still seems so random when she was doing so well, but there were a lot of strong designers this season, a lot of big but still likable personalities to root for, and a little bit of controversy to keep things interesting. Seth Aaron Henderson did some standout work in 2010 (and he'd go on to win "All-Stars" Season 3) but Emilio Sosa, Mila Hermanovski, Maya, Anthony Williams, Jay Nicolas Sario, and -- bless her -- Ping Wu made for a memorable season (in a good way).

7. Season 5project runway season 5 castThis season had some standout designs -- Suede's cocktail dress for the Natalie Portman challenge, Korto Momolu's amazing seat belt coat -- but it's still a little surprising that Leanne Marshall of Team Ugly Brown Fabric managed to win over both the perpetually robbed Korto and the retro fabulous (if abrasive) Kenly Collins. Leanne's wave-inspired finale collection was stunning, but her full season work was eclipsed, from here, by more creative designs. Not a bad season, but not a great season, and it suffered in comparison to the one before.

6. Season 10project runway season 10 castThe Boris and Natasha dynamic of Dmitry Sholokhov and Elena Slivnyak was worthy of its own spinoff, and they were both incredible designers. (Neither one was a "one-way monkey," although we now use that phrase all the time.) It was frustrating to see Dmitry denied challenge wins for so much of the season, but he was rewarded in the end ... and then rewarded again in "All-Stars" Season 4. This season also holds the dubious honor of two designers quitting, when both Andrea and Kooan left between Episode 3-4 for personal reasons. This show is like "Survivor: Fashion" sometimes, and you have to know that going in. Toughen up!

5. Season 8project runway season 8 castIt's so hard to know where to put this season because, on one hand, it had arguably the most controversial winner ever in Gretchen Jones and a lot of clique-ish bullying (especially of Michael Costello), but, on the other hand, it also introduced the talents of PR superstar Mondo Guerra and gave us several memorable designs. There was a lot to talk about this season, for better or worse, from personal drama to garment debates. It still seems like they had an "All-Stars" season right after this to placate angry fans with a Mondo win.

4. Season 1People Jay McCarrollIf Season 1 hadn't been so strong, "Project Runway" would've been one-and-done and our lives would've been the lesser for it. PR hadn't quite settled into its groove in 2004, but it introduced the format and personalities we've loved for more than a decade. From Austin Scarlett's corn dress to Jay McCarroll's colorful finale collection, and Morgan's model drama to Wendy Pepper owning her role as reality TV villain, this was one for the books. Plus, amid all the big characters were down-to-earth talents like Kara Saun to show us that PR was really serious about fashion and not just drama.

3. Season 3FASHION PROJECT RUNWAYAs SNL's Stefon might put it, Season 3 had everything -- memorable unique designs, big personality clashes, major controversies, and a few heroes and villains of note. Jeffrey Sebelia ended up winning, even though he fought with Angela's mother, his "everyday woman" client (leading her to cry) and was accused (but cleared) of cheating in the finale. His final collection was strong, but so were the very different but still impressive pieces all season from Laura Bennett, Mychael Knight, and the perpetually robbed Uli Herzner. (Lifetime, please give a spinoff to Uli and Korto. They could do anything and we'd be here for it.) Keith Michael was disqualified for rule violations, including having pattern-making books, but, overall, this season is still more memorable for the good things -- like the fan favorite designers and the strong fashions -- than the controversies.

2. Season 2Project Runway Fall 2006 - RunwayLighten up, it's just fashion! Season 2 of "Project Runway" is hands-down the funniest and one of the most entertaining seasons of any reality TV show ever. Even someone who doesn't care about fashion would get a kick out of Santino Rice's Tim Gunn impression (Where's Andrae? At Red Lobster, on his date with Tim), enjoy the tension of Santino's showdown with Nina Garcia (I'm SORRY, Nina!), get "Daniel Franco, where did you go" stuck in their heads, and eat up the delicious drama of Zulema Griffin trying to steal Nick Verreos's model. (It's a motherf--king walk-off!) There was great fashion too, especially from Daniel Vosovic, who kinda choked in the finale, giving the edge to the quietly powerful Chloe Dao. The only reason this isn't No. 1 is because, fashion-wise, it wasn't the strongest, and fashion should always win out on a fashion show.

1. Season 4Refinery29 Presents 29Rooms, A Celebration Of Style And Culture During NYFW 2015Uber fierce! The 2007 season is still the gold standard when it comes to fashion, especially from the final three -- Christian Siriano, Rami Kashou, and Jillian Lewis. Any one of them could've won and been one of the strongest winners ever. In the end, PR created a superstar in 21-year-old Christian, who made that ridiculously amazing finale collection from his tiny apartment. Mind-boggling. The creativity this season was so inspiring. You had to just be in awe of the artistry, especially in the candy challenge, the avant-garde challenge, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art visit. It's still crazy that Jillian's Twizzler dress didn't even win anything. This season didn't just have great fashion, it also had its share of big personalities, drama, Elisa Jimenez spitting on her clothes, and Jack Mackenroth having to leave for medical reasons, bringing back beloved Chris March... who proceeded to make a final collection out of human hair.

Season 4 wasn't as funny as Season 2 or controversial as Season 3 or 8, but -- from here -- Season 4 is what PR is all about.

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Why Paul Bettany Fired Himself From His New Movie


NY Special Screening Of Paul Bettany was supposed to be in "Shelter," which he wrote and directed and stars his wife, Jennifer Connelly, and Anthony Mackie. Or at least Paul said he would be in the movie, as he explained to Jimmy Fallon on "The Tonight Show."

"I lied," Paul said. "Because I'm British, I can lie and people tend to think it's true, and I said, 'Yeah, I'll be in it,' to try and raise some sort of paltry financing for it. And then I fired myself, which was quite humiliating. As a director, I hired myself as the actor, and then I fired myself." Jimmy joked that he just didn't get along with himself. Paul upped that, quipping, "I wouldn't perform on the casting couch." There you go. You don't put out, you don't get in!

This is the first time Paul has directed a movie and he said it completely changed his perspective. "It's so much harder [than acting]," he said. "I will never ask a difficult question as the sun is going down ever again." Paul said he had this fantasy that he and his wife would be on set together and she would ask questions about her character and he'd say well, let's sit down and talk about it. "But the truth was, every time she asked me a question, I just saw a huge clock in front of her face." He just wanted her to quickly spit out the question so they could get back to work while they still had the light.

It's a good thing he fired himself or maybe Paul the actor would've asked Paul the director about his own character and gotten into a tiff with himself. That probably happened to Mel Gibson during "Braveheart."

Here's Paul talking to Jimmy about "Shelter," including a clip from the movie:

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Quiz: Which Celebrity Sibling Is This?


Red Carpet - 24th Annual GLAAD Media Awards Think you know everything there is to know about your favorite celebrities? What about what their siblings look like? Test your knowledge with this quiz.

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'Star Wars' & 'Star Trek' Join Forces in Clever 'The Darkness Awakens' Mashup


The Force is strong with "Star Trek" and "Star Wars," and it's OK to love both franchises. It's not OK to confuse them, but a new mashup shows how easy it is to combine their powers into one trailer.

Senlike productions posted a new video called "Trek Wars: The Darkness Awakens," combining footage from the new "Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens" trailer and scenes from "Star Trek" and "Star Trek Into Darkness." It fits surprisingly well (the transition from Benedict Cumberbatch to Oscar Isaac is particularly strong.) Or maybe it's not such a surprise, since the movies were all directed by J.J. Abrams.

The video teases: "Two fan-favorite universes collide when the crew of the USS Enterprise joins forces with a new Rebel Alliance to stop a sinister force that seeks to throw the galaxy into chaos."


Isn't it comforting to know, whatever franchise you're in, there's always going to be a sinister force seeking to throwing the galaxy into chaos? They could easily add "The Avengers," "Superman," "Guardians of the Galaxy," the list goes on.

We wouldn't say no to "Trek Wars" adding itself to the now lengthy viewing schedule, from "The Force Awakens" in December, to "Star Trek Beyond" next July, "Rogue One" in December 2016, and "Star Wars: Episode VIII" in May 2017.

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Ryan Reynolds Curses Out 'X-Men' Kids in 'How Deadpool Spent Halloween' Video


"I think Deadpool may have been drunk?" guesses one child in this priceless "How Deadpool Spent Halloween" video, posted by Ryan Reynolds. Another kid adds, wistfully, "I really wish we could sew his mouth shut again." Well, they don't call him the Merc with a Mouth for nothing!

Ryan dressed as Deadpool for Halloween, which is fitting since he stars in the upcoming "Deadpool" movie, which has been billed as a "hard R." In keeping with the spirit of that non-kid-friendly superhero movie, here's Ryan dropping f-bombs at children dressed as "X-Men" characters for Halloween, dissing their stupid superpowers, handing out knives, talkin' bout sex, and suggesting they start a little f--king crime.

Ry-guy tweeted out the video with the teaser, "Deadpool's school for not so gifted youngsters." Here goes:

Classic! Even the video synopsis is genius: "A Deadpool documentary: the behind the scenes video of the making of a photo you may or may not have seen."

The photo is the one shown above, which Ryan had tweeted out in Nov. 1: Heh. It's funny, and it's true. "Deadpool" is scheduled for release February 12th, 2016.

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The 11 Best Steven Spielberg-Produced Movies


Would we have "Back to the Future" without Steven Spielberg?

Without his mentorship of director Robert Zemeckis, there's a very possible alternate reality where Marty McFly never got in that DeLorean.

Since becoming one of the most successful filmmakers in Hollywood with "Jaws," Spielberg has helped greenlight dozens of movies just by signing on as a producer.

He's been instrumental in talking talent into projects (like the "Men in Black" stars), giving expert advice, and shepherding movies that might never have gotten made, like Clint Eastwood's "Letters From Iwo Jima" and the films funded by his Shoah Foundation.

Here are some of his best "producer only" movies.

"Back to the Future 30th Anniversary Trilogy" is available to own now on Blu-ray & DVD.

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Best of Late Night TV: Alanis Morissette, Meghan Trainor & Jimmy Fallon Cluck 'Ironic'; Rent Josh Duhamel's Child


If you're like us and value your sleep, you probably nodded off into your Ambien dreamland before the party started on post-prime time TV. Don't worry; we've got you covered. Here's the best of what happened last night on late night.

And now for some "Ironic" clucking! This is (probably) the most random thing you will see this week: Alanis Morissette, Meghan Trainor, Jimmy Fallon, and Chris Tartaro -- aka The Jagged Little Chicks -- doing an all-clucking version of Alanis's hit song on "The Tonight Show." Don't ask why. Just be glad (or disappointed?) that Bill O'Reilly wasn't involved, since he was on the show Tuesday night, too.

Sharon Stone was a guest on "Jimmy Kimmel Live," looking gorgeous and showing off a nude spread she did for Harper's. It's a very odd pose. Sharon said she does get asked out from time to time, but for some reason she attracts guys who look like they might be serial killers.
Maybe Sharon Stone should hang out with Kelly Osbourne, 'cause Kelly was on "The Late Late Show" telling James Corden and Josh Duhamel about how she picks up guys. She basically tells them they're fit and says "Get your kit off." Here's Josh explaining how he met his wife Fergie. He had a crush on her before her band The Black Eyed Peas were on his old show "Las Vegas." There was a big build-up until he met her (he was nervous and even prepared his outfit the night before) and when they were finally face-to-face all he could think to say was "You're hot." As James noted, Josh is very lucky he's pretty 'cause that line does not work for unattractive guys. There's never enough Josh Duhamel, so here are Josh and James talking about how adorable they are as hot dads. To help single guys, they created a hotline, Rent My Kid, since women love guys with cute kids. If there's a way to rent Josh himself, that would be even more popular with women. Just saying. There's more! Here's Josh Duhamel getting hypnotized along with the audience That Jimmy Kimmel is such a troublemaker. You probably know he loves pranks, and loves enabling other people's pranks. (See his Halloween candy tricks on kids every year.) On Tuesday night, "Jimmy Kimmel Live" aired a video of the elaborate prank Jimmy's team set up to help one of the show's writers trick his roommate, who believes in and fears ghosts. Speaking of the Halloween candy prank, the big hit of that video came from a 4-year-old boy who came up with the new curse word "Turkey Butthole." So Jimmy interviewed the kid: Did you know Dave Bautista is in the new Bond film? He gets to says one word:
Allison Janney was on "Late Night" and she talked to Seth Meyers about upcoming guests on "Mom," including "gorgeous" Joe Manganiello. Her character gives him a full frontal hug and she said it was the first time in her life that she felt like a delicate flower since he's such a big hunk o' man.
On the note of hunks and people getting nude or nearly nude, here's Antonio Banderas telling Stephen Colbert he's half naked in his new movie. It's not a rom-com or anything, though, it's serious -- about the true story of the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped underground for 69 days.
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