Latest Movie News From Moviefone |
- 'NCIS' Is the Most-Watched TV Drama in the World
- Kit Harington's Hair Has Its Own 'Game of Thrones' Contract (VIDEO)
- New 'Sin City: A Dame to Kill For' Trailer: Where Outlaws Become Heroes
- Young Adult Book Authors Reveal Their Favorite Adaptations
- 'Star Wars: Episode VII': New Rumors and Set Photo Emerge
- Why Is Binge-Viewing So Popular in a Short Attention Span Age?
- 'Orange Is the New Black' Star Matt McGorry Strips in 'Leaked' Audition for 'Magic Mike 2' (VIDEO)
- Sony Turns to 'Sonic The Hedgehog' For Family Franchise
- 11 TV Shows That Were Cancelled and Then Saved (PHOTOS)
- Brad Pitt Gets Tanked in E3 Teaser for 'Fury' (VIDEO)
- Grumpy Cat Will Have 'Worst Christmas Ever' in Upcoming Lifetime Film
- 'Dumb and Dumber To' Trailer: The Boys Are (Finally) Back
- 'The Penguins of Madagascar' Trailer Premiere: These Penguins Have Mad Skills (EXCLUSIVE)
- 'Dumb and Dumber To' Trailer: Harry and Lloyd Are Back (VIDEO)
- Jim Carrey's and Jeff Daniels's Fake Arms and Mila Kunis's Pregnancy Rant Lead the Late Night Roundup (VIDEOS)
'NCIS' Is the Most-Watched TV Drama in the World Posted: "NCIS" is crazy popular, but not just among American television viewers. It Is now officially the most-watched television drama series in the world. The CBS drama received the International Television Audience Award for a Drama TV Series at today's 54th Monte-Carlo Television Festival. The prize is given out to shows with the biggest audiences in three categories -- drama, comedy, and soap operas. "NCIS" won the drama category with more than 57 million viewers in 2013. "As 'NCIS' enters its 12th season, we couldn't be happier to learn we're now the #1 drama in the world," said star/executive producer Mark Harmon and executive producer Gary Glasberg. "It's no secret that determination and teamwork have allowed our cast and crew to continue to deliver a show we're truly proud of. We also know we wouldn't be here without the support and loyalty of the best fans in television. Thanks to our worldwide audience for helping us start the new season off right." Guess people of all nations enjoy watching the "NCIS" team solve crimes every week. Image courtesy of Getty This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Kit Harington's Hair Has Its Own 'Game of Thrones' Contract (VIDEO) Posted: Remember all the fuss when Keri Russell cut her hair on "Felicity?" Well, if "Game of Thrones" actor Kit Harington did that, he wouldn't just cause a stir -- he'd be in breach of contract! The HBO star told the hosts of "Live With Kelly and Michael" that he is obligated to not touch a single hair on his head. "It has its own contract, definitely," Harington said. "I never thought I'd say that about my own hair." As part of that contract, Harington is not allowed to cut his locks. "I didn't realize this until recently. I wanted to cut it -- I've had long hair for ages -- and they were like, 'No, no, no. That won't be happening.'" Poor guy can't even get a weave or a wig; HBO execs apparently "don't like doing that." Guess they like it au naturale. Image courtesy of Getty This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
New 'Sin City: A Dame to Kill For' Trailer: Where Outlaws Become Heroes Posted: In this town, the bad guys are good, and the good guys ... well, there are none. The full-length trailer for "Sin City: A Dame to Kill For" hit the Internet today and the sequel to the 2005 comic-come-to-life is even more visually stunning as the original. Directed by Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller, "A Dame to Kill For" features a killer cast, including Jessica Alba, Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mickey Rourke, Eva Green, and Powers Boothe. The movie contains four loosely-connected vignettes, but Willis and Alba's gets the most screentime in the trailer. Alba's Nancy Callahan is fierce as she plots vengeance against the Senator (Boothe) for his part in John Hartigan's death in the first movie. "Maybe I'll go crazy. Crazy's sounding pretty good right now," she growls. The footage -- stark black and white, with splashes of color here and there -- looks great. It's a comic book; what else can we say? Check it out for yourself below. "Sin City: A Dame to Kill For" opens in theaters August 22nd. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Young Adult Book Authors Reveal Their Favorite Adaptations Posted:
We caught up with several young adult authors at the annual Book Expo America, and found out which adaptations are their personal favorites, and the results range from childhood classics ("A Christmas Carol") to newer, trippier fare ("Adaptation"). Here are 11 YA authors' picks for best adaptation. 1. Gayle Forman, author of "If I Stay" (in theaters Aug. 19)
2. Marie Lu, author of "The Legend" Trilogy
3. Leigh Bardugo, author of "The Grisha" Trilogy
4. Alex London, author of "The Proxy Series"
5. Anna Banks, author of "The Serena Legacy" Trilogy
6. Ava Dellaira, author of "Love Letters to the Dead"
7. Jessica Brody, author of "The Unremembered" Trilogy
8. M.A. Larson, author of "Pennyroyal Academy"
9. Emmy Laybourne, author of "The Monument 14" Trilogy
10. Erin McCahan, author of "Love and Other Foreign Words"
11. Leila Sales, author of "This Song Will Save Your Life"
EXCLUSIVE: Watch a scene from "The Fault In Our Stars" This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
'Star Wars: Episode VII': New Rumors and Set Photo Emerge Posted: There's a new photo from the set of "Star Wars: Episode VII" -- and it's not even a leaked one! Don't get too excited just yet. The photo doesn't show much of anything, aside from the U.K.'s Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, posing with director J.J. Abrams, producer Kathleen Kennedy, and R2-D2. The pic does give a tantalizing glimpse at an unfinished Millennium Falcon in the background, though. The photo isn't the only "Star Wars" goodness out there. Latino Review unleashed quite a few unconfirmed rumors about "Star Wars: Episode VII." The site revealed a few key things per their sources: - There will be a female villain, who may be a Sith - There is no new Republic, even though the movie is set 30 years after "Return of the Jedi" - John Boyega is not a Jedi nor even a Padawan. Rather, he's a Luke-type figure who somehow joins the action. All of these tidbits seem plausible, but take them with a grain of salt (or a whole shaker's worth). This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Why Is Binge-Viewing So Popular in a Short Attention Span Age? Posted: Still groggy from spending the weekend watching an entire new season of "Orange Is the New Black"? You're not alone. Netflix says the women-in-prison series, whose second season premiered on the streaming service over the weekend, is its most popular show, even more popular than "House of Cards," another binge-viewing favorite whose seasons fans tend to consume in a single gargantuan gulp. Of course, it's not just Netflix shows that we binge on; the networks help us out by staging marathons, or we can create our own via streaming, DVDs, or DVR. And why not? There are so many quality TV dramas right now. There's a lot to watch, closely and carefully enough to discuss the nuances with friends and strangers on social media. And yet, aren't those of us who can watch hours of "Mad Men" at a stretch the same ones who can barely stand to watch a viral video on YouTube that's more than a minute or two long? Aren't we the ones they invented six-second Vines for? Don't we have such short attention spans that the networks have all but phased out TV show theme songs, lest our attention wander for even a moment and lead us to click to another channel? And these same networks expect us to watch an entire weekend's worth of "Breaking Bad"? How, in other words, did binge-watching become a habit in an age of TV-shortened attention spans? Here are some theories: It's all about convenience. "I don't really see the paradox," says Denver Post TV critic Joanne Ostrow. "It's all part of the trend toward immediate gratification, no matter what we want. if you crave cute animal videos, they're easily available, and if you love a particular drama, it's easily streamed on demand. Tastes will range from quick hits (last night's monologue or the Tweeted GIF of the day) to 13-hour binge sessions." It's not really a new situation. In a recent Los Angeles Times interview, documentarian Ken Burns noted that it's been conventional wisdom for decades that our supposedly shortened attention spans would keep us from being interested in long-form, substance-rich programming. He recalled TV critics telling him in 1990 that viewers accustomed to bite-sized music videos wouldn't sit still for his lengthy PBS documentary "The Civil War," only to have the series become one of the highest-rated shows in PBS history. Similar fears about his 2007 World War II documentary in the age of YouTube also proved unfounded. He concluded, "So what I think it means are a couple of things. One, I think we're all starved for meaning. That all real meaning occurs from concentration. That all relationships you care about, the work that's most important to you, it's from your sustained attention. Sure, we all like to watch a kitten with a ball of string or a brother biting his brother's finger. But we also like other stuff. 'Downton Abbey,' my wife never watched broadcast. She watched all seasons binging. I think those habits have vindicated me. I'm allowed to do longform now without people harumphing." Ostrow agrees with this long view of short-attention-span complaints. "Back in the day, MTV was supposedly responsible for shortening attention spans. Before that, 'Sesame Street' was the culprit," she says. "There's always going to be something faster, shorter and sweeter to blame for our attention deficits, but literate, complex serials have found a place, too. Turns out we have appetites and attention spans for both." TV is better than ever. The wave of quality dramas that began 15 years ago with "The Sopranos" and crested with "Mad Men" and "Breaking Bad" continues to this day, to the extent that TV critics today actually complain about an overload of good shows, too many to stay on top of. Nonetheless, critics also call this a new Golden Age of Television, especially when contrasted with the current uninspired state of mainstream Hollywood movies. That "Golden Age" talk may be overstating the case, but it is true that there are a lot of really good scripted shows now. And the rise of such programming over the last decade and a half also coincided with the rise of the DVD and the DVR; suddenly, entire seasons were available in a single sleeve of discs or a single DVR queue. Even if you weren't a premium cable subscriber, you could still catch up with a whole season of an HBO series in one sitting. Today, DVDs are on the decline, but with video on demand, streaming, and TV-on-the-go apps, fans of a particular series are no more wedded to a single location (the living room sofa) than we are to a single timeslot. Along with the convenience of mobile and on-demand viewing, social media and TV recap culture have made marathon-watching more popular as well, since closely analyzing and exchanging comments on the shows is now half the fun. We're starved for quality. Golden Age talk aside, TV is still subject to Sturgeon's Law, which says that 90 percent of everything is crap. There may be a surfeit of great shows now, but they're still only a fraction of the TV universe at large. (For every "The Good Wife," there will be a dozen mediocre reality shows and lowest-common-denominator scripted shows.) So when viewers do discover a great show, they can't get enough. That's the argument that "House of Cards" star Kevin Spacey made in a speech last year. " For years, particularly with the advent of the Internet, people have been griping about lessening attention spans. But if someone can watch an entire season of a TV series in one day, doesn't that show an incredible attention span?" Spacey said. "When the story is good enough, people can watch something three times the length of an opera." He added, "The audience has spoken: They want stories. They're dying for them. And they will talk about it, binge on it, carry it with them on the bus and to the hairdresser, force it on their friends, tweet, blog, Facebook... and God knows what else. All we have to do is give it to them." Our tastses are evolving. The term "binge-viewing" implies that we're guilty over our gluttony in viewing hours of TV at a time. Actually, we shouldn't be ashamed of our marathon viewing sessions; they're a sign of refinement and maturity. So says Laurie Scheer, a former TV producer and WE channel programming executive. "Short attention spans can only tolerate a snippet of a larger piece of content or a short piece that captures their attention between all of the other options presented to them," Scheer says. "However, sooner or later, the diet of quick, fast, 'I want it now' convenience gets old, repetitive, tired, and exhausting. Like fast food. Eventually, consumers gravitate to solid, rich, texture-filled story lines and complex characters that offer up nourishing plots that fulfill consumers' wants and needs. "Binge-watching is like a cornucopia of delicious sustenance that offers satisfying accomplishment," says Scheer, who now coaches TV and movie scriptwriters and is the author of "The Writer's Advantage: A Toolkit for Mastering Your Genre." She explains, "Viewers can feel as if they have actually experienced something -- something that elevates them into a special insiders' group once they consume the second season of 'House of Cards' or 'Orange Is the New Black.' There's a payoff to binge-watching, not so much with catching the latest viral video. "When it comes down to it," Scheer adds, "it is a matter of convenience and time, but eventually the fast food will yield to the satisfying dinner because we are wired to live by the stories we write, tell, and live." Image courtesy of JoJo Whilden for Netflix This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
'Orange Is the New Black' Star Matt McGorry Strips in 'Leaked' Audition for 'Magic Mike 2' (VIDEO) Posted: If you've already watched all of the new season of "Orange is the New Black," you're probably dying for another fix of John Bennett, the corrections officer who's having an affair with inmate Daya Diaz. (No spoilers! Some of us haven't finished watching the entire freaking season yet, sorry.) And with Channing Tatum all over the place these days with "22 Jump Street" shenanigans, we've got "Magic Mike 2" on the brain. What's a fan to do? Well, this video from College Humor satisfies both "OITNB" fans and "Magic Mike" folks, because it features Matt McGorry, who plays Bennett, auditioning for "Magic Mike 2." Unfortunately for McGorry, he's a little confused about what this audition entails. Fortunately for viewers, we can enjoy the fruits of his labor as a body builder and personal trainer because he keeps taking off all his clothes in every scenario the casting director asks him to act out. Barista? Whoops, there goes your latte! An emergency room doctor? You can't make him stop gyrating! Police officer? No brainer. Firefighter? DUH. He even brought his own personal DJ. It doesn't look like he's going to get a callback, but hey, "Magic Mike" was actually not nearly as funny as this video. The Internet is glorious, sometimes. [Via Jezebel] This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Sony Turns to 'Sonic The Hedgehog' For Family Franchise Posted: Following the continued success of video game movies, Sony is working hard to get a "Sonic the Hedgehog" franchise hurtling into theaters. Sony and Sega Sammy Group are hooking up to make "a hybrid/live action and CG-animated feature film" of the classic. Just try and picture an animated Sonic rolling through the streets of, say, New York City while he's trying to outwit the nasty Dr. Eggman on the big screen. Deadline reports that the companies are hoping to release one "Sonic" movie a year, and with the game's history and popularity, that's pretty feasible. After all, the first "Sonic" first rolled onto the Sega Genesis in 1991, and it hasn't lost momentum since. "Sonic" was the game that made Sega a home console system to be reckoned with, although, for reasons detailed in the book "Console Wars," it lost out to Sony's PlayStation and Microsoft's Xbox. Still, there are plenty of diehard collectors of old Sega gear, and even more young fans of the speedy, spiny blue guy. UCB comics and writers Evan Susser and Van Robichaux will write the screenplay. There is currently no director attached. [Via Deadline] Image courtesy of Getty This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
11 TV Shows That Were Cancelled and Then Saved (PHOTOS) Posted: In the world of TV, a cancellation doesn't always mean your favorite show is over for good. In fact, there have been plenty of programs that were given the axe, only to be saved by another network, enthusiastic fans, or a streaming service like Netflix. The cancellation announcement of NBC favorite "Community" last month was devastating to devoted viewers hoping for #6seasonsandamovie, but recent news of its possible pick-up by Hulu offers a glimmer of television hope. Hey, stranger things have happened. Did you know the uber-popular "Baywatch" was dropped at first? Check out these 11 shows that were totally un-cancelled: Image courtesy of Getty This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Brad Pitt Gets Tanked in E3 Teaser for 'Fury' (VIDEO) Posted: The Electronic Entertainment Expo, aka E3, got a little taste of "Fury" yesterday when David Ayer ("End of Watch," "Training Day") stopped by to show off behind-the-scenes footage of his upcoming movie. The WWII film stars Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña, Jason Isaacs, and Scott Eastwood as guys on an intense mission to infiltrate a particularly nasty Nazi stronghold. "Fury" is being cross-promoted with "World of Tanks," the massive multiplayer online game from The immensely popular (and free) game will feature some tie-in content from "Fury," although there aren't any specific details as of yet. It's a clever move on Sony's part, especially since the game has a global reach and is about to move into the mobile space. Video games and the movies have had a rather tumultuous relationship over the years. There are too many video games based on movies that stink, and maybe even more movies based on video games that have stalled out for years (see "Assassin's Creed," "Halo," and "BioShock," for starters). Hollywood definitely hasn't stayed away from E3 -- Aaron Paul showed up last year to promote the latest "Need for Speed" game, although the film he starred in sunk -- but in-game promotion seems like a new way for the movie industry to infiltrate the incredibly lucrative gaming sector. Although Hollywood has successfully infiltrated Comic-Con to promote upcoming movies and TV shows, perhaps E3 will be the next frontier if this collaboration proves fruitful. "Fury" opens November 14th. [Via Deadline] This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Grumpy Cat Will Have 'Worst Christmas Ever' in Upcoming Lifetime Film Posted: Free Grumpy Cat! We are huge advocates of adorable animals on the Internet, but can we give Grumpy Cat a break? The frowny-faced feline has become a cottage industry after being "discovered" on Reddit. Besides the usual T-shirts and calendars and books, there's even Grumppuccino[TM] Coffee, SXSW appearances, and front row seats at the MTV Movie Awards. Now the cat known as Tardar Sauce to her friends and loved ones is getting her very own feature film, "Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever." (Actually, if anyone can really express the down side of Christmas, it would be this sad little cat that was born with a morose expression.) In the film, Grumpy is a sad kitty stuck in a pet store that never gets picked for a forever home until she encounters a young gal "who can communicate with her." That's in quotes because we're not sure how one communicates with a cat. Psychically? Verbally? Paw gestures? Usually our cats communicate by leaving us "gifts" around the house. Anyway, Lifetime's Arturo Interian describes it as "a little 'Home Alone' and a little 'Die Hard,'" and promises appearances from what's referred to as "other famous Internet memes," which we can only hope means CATS CATS CATS! Not to play favorites, but Lil Bub and Princess Monster Truck are two pretty awesome creatures whose humans do a lot to raise awareness of animals in shelters who need forever homes. Just saying. Tim Hill, the mad genius behind "Rocko's Modern Life" and "SpongeBob SquarePants," is writing the script with Jeff Morris. There's currently no director attached, although shooting is slated to begin this summer. They're also searching for that magical person who will be the voice of Grumpy. Although the real-life Grumpy is a girl, we nominate Benedict Cumberbatch, mostly for the photo ops. [Via The Hollywood Reporter] Photo courtesy of Getty This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
'Dumb and Dumber To' Trailer: The Boys Are (Finally) Back Posted: Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey are doing the movie promo hustle for "Dumb and Dumber To" well in advance of its November 14th premiere. They showed up on "The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon" last night for a little goofy sketch action before showing off the first trailer for their slack-jawed reunion. It's really something, this sequel. It starts off with some slapstick -- who doesn't love a good catheter joke? Then there's a cat butthole, and some transitions into some seriously creepy territory. It seems that Harry (Jeff Daniels) had a child he didn't know about with a woman named Fraida Felcher (Kathleen Turner), and that child has grown up to be a serious babe. Naturally, Lloyd and Harry travel across the US in their, uh, Shaggin' Wagon to find her, and gross hijinks ensue. See for yourself... if you dare. [Via USAToday] This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
'The Penguins of Madagascar' Trailer Premiere: These Penguins Have Mad Skills (EXCLUSIVE) Posted: ![]() Whether they're waddling across Antarctica in "March of the Penguins" or dancing their tail feathers off in "Happy Feet," penguins are always a crowd-pleaser. After years of toiling away on TV, the penguins from the "Madagascar" series of movies finally have their own theatrical feature coming in November, appropriately titled "The Penguins of Madagascar." Skipper (Tom McGrath), Kowalski (Chris Miller), Rico (John DiMaggio) and Private (Christopher Knights) join forces with a super-secret animal organization called North Wind to fight a many-tentacled menace named Dave, an octopus who has made it his mission to kill off all the penguins. We knew there was a reason why those deep sea creatures have always creeped us out! (Naturally, Dave is voiced by John Malkovich.) North Wind's leader, Classified, is voiced by none other than Benedict Cumberbatch; he's joined by Ken Jeong, Annet Mahendru, and Peter Stormare as the voices behind North Wind. This exclusive trailer shows off the penguins' special set of skills, which seems to include MacGyvering themselves in and out of all sorts of weird situations and eating cheesy snacks, all to the sweet tunes of Kenny Loggins's "Danger Zone." "Penguins of Madagascar" opens November 26, 2014. Oh, and if you can't get enough penguins, check out Skipper's Mr. Moviefone audition. He insists that you do. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
'Dumb and Dumber To' Trailer: Harry and Lloyd Are Back (VIDEO) Posted: It's been over 20 years since we last saw Harry and Lloyd (Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey) in "Dumb and Dumber," but the boys are back! We can see from the first trailer for the sequel, "Dumb and Dumber To," that things are just as raunchy and repulsive as the first one. Don't believe us? OK, then we hope your'e fine with a catheter being pulled out forcefully and a little ... ahem .. old-person lovin.' "Dumb and Dumber Too" will be released in theatres on November 14, 2014. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels hit up "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" to promote "Dumb and Dumber To," which, of course, meant a skit in which they worked at a burger joint, using mannequin arms. It wasn't really that funny, except for the way it kept building in absurdity -- and the way that Jimmy, Jim and Jeff kept cracking each other up. Extremely awkward high five, guys. On "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Mila Kunis took exception when Kimmel said that he and his wife are pregnant. "You're not pregnant," the expectant star said, grabbing a mike. "Do you have to squeeze a watermelon-sized person out of your lady hole? No." And we've got a new nickname for the Kunis-Kutcher baby: "Little love goblin." Turns out Kunis shares a love of sports with fiancé Ashton Kutcher, as she told Kimmel. The thing she enjoys most is yelling at the players, out of earshot. "It's a calming, yet violent experience. You're sitting down, you're having a beer, you're relaxed, yet you're being vulgar." Kimmel also asked three ridiculous questions of Kobe Bryant, who gamely answered if he could fly, would he relieve himself in the sky? Because what else would you ask Kobe? On "ChelseaLately," Channing Tatum admitted he's never collected on the x-rated bet he made with "22 Jump Street co-star Jonah Hill. He also admits to pushing wife Jenna Dewan out of the frame for that famous Oscar selfie. David Letterman put Dave Chappelle on the spot by asking him whether he quit his show all those years ago. Chappelle responds. "Technically, I never quit." Over on "Late Night With Seth Meyers," his chat with former "Saturday Night Live" co-star Aidy Bryant was probably only of interest to diehard "SNL" fans (and candy enthusiasts), but we'd like to go out on a limb and say she deserves her own sitcom and that her eyebrows are to die for. This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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