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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

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Latest Movie News From Moviefone

'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Trailer Shatters 24-Hour Viewing Record


Well, we know what you have been doing in the past 24 hours: Watching the new "Game of Thrones" Season 6 trailer ... again ... and again. Fans waited a long time for this one, and it's paying off for HBO.

According to Entertainment Weekly, HBO confirmed that the new trailer has already broken records, with eight million views on YouTube and 22 million on the official Facebook page within 24 hours. The previous high was the first Season 5 trailer, which had 27 million views on its first day. So 30 million in 24 hours -- actually less than 24 hours, since it's more than 30 million at this point -- is very impressive indeed.
There are several reasons for the intense interest in Season 6, including the fate of Jon Snow, but also the many other characters who were left in really bad positions at the end of Season 5. Plus, this is the first time that book readers are kinda/sorta on the same blank page as the TV-only viewers. There are still some scenes ahead from the books, but a lot of pure surprises, too, which is refreshing and scary.

Rewatch the full trailer over here, to add more views to the record-breaking tally, and speculation-lovers can read about the possible Jon Snow-related flashback the trailer teases.

Season 6 starts April 24 on HBO.

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Chris Hemsworth (and Boobs) Dominate 'Ghostbusters' International Trailer


is Australian, and Thor, so maybe that's why he has a more prominent role in the international trailer for "Ghostbusters." Most of the trailer is similar to the first one, but there are a few new scenes, including a failed mosh pit jump by 's character, Patty, and several new shots of Hemsworth as secretary/assistant Kevin. Apparently 's Erin, has a thing for him, or at least that's hinted in a flirty scene toward the start.

The end scene is the best, though, with s Patty telling her fellow 'busters that she had Kevin come up with a few logo ideas for the group. The first illustration is a ghost with big breasts, and no one is happy about it. Erin suggests it may make them look bad. "Is it the boobs?" Kevin asks. "I could make 'em bigger." Mmmm. Probably not. But thanks!

Watch the trailer:

"Ghostbusters" is scheduled for release July 15th, 2016.

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Aunt Voula Takes Charge in This Exclusive 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2' Clip


The Portokalos family is back, bigger and Greeker than ever, in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2," due in theaters later this month. And as we see in this new clip, premiering today on Moviefone, not too much has changed with Toula's (Nia Vardalos) flamboyant relatives.

The sequel to 2002's "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" picks up about 18 years after the original, with the shocking revelation that Toula's parents, Gus (Michael Constantine) and Maria (Lainie Kazan), are not actually legally married. Naturally, this necessitates another big blowout celebration, and Toula decides to throw her parents a lavish wedding -- except that her plans are immediately hijacked by her headstrong Aunt Voula (Andrea Martin).

As Toula and her husband Ian (John Corbett) ask the family for help, Voula quickly steps in as Wedding-Planner-In-Chief, dismissively telling Toula, "It's best." Expect these two strong-willed women to continue to butt heads throughout the rest of the flick.

"My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2" hits theaters on March big fat greek wedding 2, nia vardalos, andrea martin, john corbettPhoto credit: Universal

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Nicolas Cage and Elijah Wood Are Bumbling Bad Cops in 'The Trust' Trailer


"The Trust" already seems like a perfect buddy cop movie, with the cops -- played by and -- being bored officers who attempt to rob a vault at the back of a grocery store. What could go wrong?

The first trailer and poster were just released, ahead of the movie's premiere at SXSW. The poster makes it look like a potentially serious thriller, but the trailer strikes a comedic tone -- and hopefully the film follows suit, because the comedy of Cage being Crazy Cage and Wood being Innocent Big-Eyed Elijah is already so beautiful. They just work together, especially when they're not quite working well with others.

Cage plays Jim Stone, with Wood as David Waters. Here's the synopsis, via Flickering Myth:

"Waters and Stone are two nobody police officers working dull administrative jobs and making extra money selling stolen Civil Service Exams to other officers. When Stone hears a story about a heroin dealer quickly beating his extremely high bail, the two friends set into motion a plan to find the origin of such a large amount of cash. Through diligent police work they follow a trail that leads directly to a custom bank-style vault built into the back room freezer of a small grocery store. They put a plan into motion to rob the vault and split whatever they find inside. But by the time they figure out what the vault contains, it's already too late to turn back."

Now that you know "the drill" (that joke will make sense in a minute), here's the trailer:

Here's the full poster:

According to /Film, after "The Trust" premieres at SXSW, it will arrive on DirecTV on April 14, and open in theaters and be released in other VOD options on May 13, 2016.

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'I'm Transgender': Second Wachowski Sibling Comes Out in Moving Essay


Chicago This isn't really the way Lilly Wachowski (formerly Andy Wachowski) wanted to come out, but after being threatened with outing by news outlets, the co-director of "The Matrix" shared a powerful, personal statement to Windy City Times.

The essay reveals that Lilly, 48, is transgender and has transitioned, following in the footsteps of her sister Lana, 50, (formerly Larry) who publicly confirmed her transition in 2012.

Here's a small piece of Lilly's statement, following the revelation that she was just visited by a tabloid journalist who threatened to out her :

"...I am one of the lucky ones. Having the support of my family and the means to afford doctors and therapists has given me the chance to actually survive this process. Transgender people without support, means and privilege do not have this luxury. And many do not survive. In 2015, the transgender murder rate hit an all-time high in this country. A horrifying disproportionate number of the victims were trans women of color. These are only the recorded homicides so, since trans people do not all fit in the tidy gender binary statistics of murder rates, it means the actual numbers are higher.

And though we have come a long way since Silence of the Lambs, we continue to be demonized and vilified in the media where attack ads portray us as potential predators to keep us from even using the goddamn bathroom. The so-called bathroom bills that are popping up all over this country do not keep children safe, they force trans people into using bathrooms where they can be beaten and or murdered. We are not predators, we are prey.

So yeah, I'm transgender.

And yeah, I've transitioned.

I'm out to my friends and family. Most people at work know too. Everyone is cool with it. Yes, thanks to my fabulous sister they've done it before, but also because they're fantastic people. Without the love and support of my wife and friends and family I would not be where I am today..."

Lilly continued, saying the words "transgender" and "transitioned" are hard for her "because they both have lost their complexity in their assimilation into the mainstream." She said her reality is that she's been transitioning and will continue to transition all of her life.

Read her full statement here.

The Wachowskis first came to prominence with the 1996 film "Bound," and also made "V for Vendetta," "Speed Racer," "Cloud Atlas," "Jupiter Ascending," "Sense8," and the "Matrix" series.

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'Game of Thrones' Trailer Hints to Major Jon Snow-Related Flashback


The realm rarely rallies on a Tuesday, but the "Game of Thrones" gods smiled on us yesterday with that amazing Season 6 trailer. Fans immediately started analyzing the images, and there was a lot to unpack.

Two shots in particular stood out as different from the others, in that they didn't seem to fit with any current storylines, and possibly hinted to a much-anticipated flashback....

*WARNING: Spoilers ahead. Major spoilers. Sharp, pointy spoilers*

Eagle-eyed fans quickly noticed that the insignia on that two-sworded guy's shield in the top photo is the sigil for House Targaryen. We don't know of any Targaryen armies hanging around lately, and even Daenerys Targaryen doesn't have that kind of armor. But they did not quite 20 years ago during Robert's Rebellion.

Based on that armor, and the shot above that maaaaayyyyy be a young Ned Stark, it looks like we are in for a flashback sequence, most likely resulting in the raid on the Tower of Joy and the revelation of R+L=J.

In the story, Ned and six of his companions (including Howland Reed, father of Meera and Jojen) approached the Tower of Joy to save Ned's sister, Lyanna Stark, presumed to have been kidnapped by Rhaegar Targaryen. They found her dying, and she made Ned promise something to her before she died.
Well, the overall assumption is that she died after giving birth to the guy we call Jon Snow, who is actually the natural son of Rhaegar and Lyanna (R+L=J). Ned, loyal true Ned, is thought to have promised his dying sister that he would raise Jon as his own, allowing his own honor to be tarnished from the scandal, and leading his wife Catelyn to forever resent Jon Snow.

Why would we get this story now, and how? Maybe we see it through Bran Stark's visions. Or maybe Meera Reed finds a way to tell Jon his story, if her father told her. Or maybe Melisandre has a decent vision in the flames. Or maybe only we the audience see it and Jon doesn't find out for a while. Because for heaven's sake, JON SNOW IS COMING BACK. He is the ice in the book series's "A Song of Ice and Fire." This is his destiny, and Ned meant to tell him about his mother when he saw Jon again, but he never got the chance. Season 6 appears to be our chance to learn the truth.

"Game of Thrones" Season 6 premieres Sunday, April 24 on HBO. Keep watching the trailer for more clues.

[h/t Tech Insider]

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15 Disappointing Movies That Killed Their Franchises


Hollywood studios are always in search of the next blockbuster franchise, whether that franchise involves costumed superheroes, killer robots or sulky vampires.

But sometimes a film crashes and burns so hard it kills a franchise dead in its tracks, or prevents it from ever taking off at all.

Let's look back at some of the big-budget duds that killed their respective franchises, from "Batman & Robin" to "Terminator Genisys."

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Why John Goodman Is Too Embarrassed to Ever Speak to Kristen Wiig Again


"10 Cloverfield Lane" New York PremierePoor John Goodman. But also poor Kristen Wiig, 'cause he put her in an awkward situation.

John Goodman has told his story of meeting Kristen Wiig before, but he went there again on Howard Stern. It starts when they are both at a party...

"She was talking to somebody else, and I was just — I think she's so great, and the social barriers broke down and I interrupted the conversation. And I would just hate for somebody to do that to me. And she goes, 'Yeah, I'll talk to you in a minute.' It was like The Atom. I shrunk down to Atom size. ... I really like her, and it was embarrassing, so I'll never speak to her again."

BUT THAT'S TOO ADORABLE. Embarrassing, sure, but it's like the kid in school who has a crush and he *finally* works up the nerve to talk to her and now he can't work himself up to ever try it again. And it's John Goodman! Surely, Kristen Wiig would be fine with talking to John Goodman, as long as it's just him and she's not already talking to someone else.
"Zoolander No. 2" - London Fan Screening - Red Carpet ArrivalsAs Entertainment Weekly noted, Goodman told Uproxx the same story last year:

"It's funny, because there are people who I want to meet. I remember walking up to Kristen Wiig at a Saturday Night Live thing. And I actually interrupted a conversation she was having and I thought, What the f-ck is wrong with you? You don't know this woman. But it's that kind of a thing."

Uproxx said Wiig probably wasn't upset when she turned around and saw it was John Goodman. Goodman replied, "Well, I didn't want to stick around and find out because she was in the middle of a conversation and it was rude what I did."

It's true, no one likes to be interrupted, and whoever Wiig was talking to would not have appreciated being blown off just because John Goodman barged in. But come on. Like Donny, he was just out of his element. Unlike Walter, he wasn't an a--hole, he was just wrong ... and over the line.

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J.J. Abrams Admits 'Mistake' With That Leia, Rey, Chewbacca Scene


Let's just hug this one out, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" fans.

is still answering questions about his blockbuster Episode VII, and /Film approached him about a common fan "nitpick": Why did Leia () hug Rey () after the death of Han Solo () instead of Chewbacca, who was basically Han's life partner?

As it turns out, Abrams admitted, it was just a shot blocking boo boo:

"That was probably one of the mistakes I made in that. My thinking at the time was that Chewbacca, despite the pain he was feeling, was focused on trying to save Finn and getting him taken care of. So I tried to have Chewbacca go off with him and focus on Rey, and then have Rey find Leia and Leia find Rey. The idea being that both of them being strong with the Force and never having met, would know about each other — that Leia would have been told about her beyond what we saw onscreen and Rey of course would have learned about Leia. And that reunion would be a meeting and a reunion all in one, and a sort of commiseration of their mutual loss. [...] Had Chewbacca not been where he was, you probably wouldn't have thought of it. But because he was right there, passed by Leia, it felt almost like a slight, which was definitely not the intention."

'Cause NOBODY PUTS CHEWIE IN A CORNER! At least Abrams is taking responsibility for that (mildly) distracting shot, which sent erroneous messages during a film where fans spent a lot of their time looking for hidden meaning.

So Leia still loves you, Chewie, she wasn't just jealous.

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The 9 Most Beautiful Disney Movies Ever Made


Disney movies are known for being heartwarming, cute, funny, inspirational, and sweet. But they also feature some of the most dazzling artwork ever committed to film.

Take the ballroom scene in "Beauty and the Beast," Maleficent's dramatic entrance (and even more spectacular exit) in "Sleeping Beauty," and the timeless splendor of "Fantasia."

Here are nine of the most beautiful Disney movies ever made.

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