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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Latest Movie News From Moviefone

Latest Movie News From Moviefone

The Oberyn vs. Mountain Fight We All Wanted on 'Game of Thrones' (VIDEO)


In case you hadn't heard, there was a pretty epic fight on Sunday night's episode of "Game of Thrones," between Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne and Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane." It was held as a trial by combat to determine Tyrion Lannister's (Peter Dinklage) fate.

Spoilers ahead! Duh.

Well, unless you have been in a coma this past week, you know that the Mountain killed Oberyn in brutal fashion by crushing his skull with his bare hands. It was a shocking and sorrowful end to a fantastic new character (played ably by Pedro Pascal), and the Mountain's victory spelled doom for fan favorite Tyrion.

OK, you know what? We'll just say it: The whole thing was hard to watch.

But one creative fan decided to make the ending that all of us wanted in the first place. Watch it, and pretend (even for just a few moments) that Oberyn slayed the Mountain and Tyrion was redeemed. Let's dream a dream, shall we?

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Naomi Watts Joins 'Divergent' Sequels 'Insurgent' and 'Allegiant'


naomi watts divergent sequelNaomi Watts is ready to become the mother of Four.

The Oscar-nominated actress is joining the cast of "Insurgent" and "Allegiant," the sequels to the hit movie adaptations of Veronica Roth's bestselling novel "Divergent."

Watts will play Evelyn Johnson, the leader of the Factionless -- who happens to be the mother of Tobias Eaton aka Four. She faked her death to flee her abusive husband, Marcus, and their faction, Abnegation; in doing so, she left behind her young son to suffer from Marcus's violent behavior. Let's just say Four and Evelyn are not on the best of terms when they meet again in "Insurgent."

Evelyn will be a big part of the second movie, as well as the two movies comprising "Allegiant."

Watts adds her name to a massive cast, headlined by stars Shailene Woodley (Tris) and Theo James (Four). And she'll stand toe to toe with other Academy Award winners Kate Winslet (Jeanine) and Octavia Spencer (Johanna).

"Insurgent" started filming recently in Atlanta and will hit theaters March 2015.

Photo by Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images

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10 Actors Who Almost Played Indiana Jones (PHOTOS)


indiana jonesThe rumor that Robert Pattinson is at the top of the list to play Indiana Jones in a new Indy-led franchise may be crazy, but the idea that Harrison Ford was not the first choice to play the world's preeminent archeologist is even crazier. But it's true.

From Jack Nicholson to Chevy Chase, here are 10 actors who were either considered for or turned down the role of the intrepid Indiana Jones in "Raiders of the Lost Ark."

[via IMDB]

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The Trailers for Halle Berry's 'Extant' Will Creep You Out (VIDEO)


The latest teasers for the upcoming Halle Berry show "Extant" are a big bowl of WTF-ery... And we like it. The show revolves around Molly Woods (Berry), an astronaut who came home from a solo mission with a fetus on board, and now we're getting a better look at the family Molly was just so eager to see again. Her husband, played by Goran Visnjic, is a sort of robotic researcher/creator whose latest project is, dum dum DUM, their son Ethan. Ethan, portrayed by Pierce Gagnon, is almost as creepy as the idea of an astronaut getting magically knocked up in space, especially when he's all blank-eyed and standing over a dead bird in the woods, claiming, "It was like this when I found it." Sure it was, kid. Sure.

Watch CBS' extended first look at the series right here:

What we know so far: there's a spaceship named the Seraphim; an eerie robot child whose "father" is angered by the suggestion he might some day have to deactivate his progeny; a mystery fetus from outer space; some babe who appeared in Molly's spaceship; suspicious government types; and fringe paranoiacs. Buckle up, 'cause it's going to be a bumpy ride.

"Extant" lands on Wednesday, July 9 at 9/8c on CBS.

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Showtime Orders Another Season of 'Penny Dreadful'


Sky Atlantic's
Cable TV is the place to be if you want some creepy crawly entertainment, and Showtime is no slouch when it comes to episodic drama. Its latest foray into the dark and weird is "Penny Dreadful," a series peppered with ghouls from horror stories of yore, and it's proven so popular that Showtime has already ordered a second season.

The network's prez David Nevins chalked the show's popularity up to several factors, including the freedom viewers have to watch the show on platforms like Showtime on Demand and Showtime Anytime.

Personally, it's our theory that you can never underestimate the power of Eva Green, whose plays sensual spiritualist Vanessa Ives. When she says, "Look into my eyes... Believe," well, we do what we're told. Green is a total gothic bombshell in real life as well as on screen, so it only makes sense for her to completely rock in a Victorian-era horror series. She even made the "300" sequel a little more interesting!

"Penny Dreadful" also stars Josh Hartnett as a brooding American with some serious sharp-shooting skills, Reeve Carney as the infamously hunky Dorian Gray, Timothy Dalton as an explorer whose latest quest involves his daughter Mina (as in Harker), and more. There are also some cool tie-ins to the show, like "Penny Dreadful" tarot cards and jewelry like the Gothic Matrimony necklace, inspired by Vanessa herself.

"Penny Dreadful" airs on Sunday nights on Showtime. Fans can also dip into Showtime's addictive production blog in between episodes.

[Via Deadline]

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Peter Dinklage's Mullet Is Still Cooler Than You


Like many of us who grew up in the '80s, Peter Dinklage made some questionable fashion choices. He's only human! And, again, we can all relate to having those poor style impulses frozen in time thanks to our yearbook photos. Unfortunately, once you're famous and an award-winning actor who's on the cover of magazines and stuff, it seems that those most tender, vulnerable moments become fair game. And, boy, Dinklage's mullet is a doozy.

But, like, whatever! Look at that lustrous thatch of hair! That furrowed brow! That intelligent melancholy that's searching for meaning far beyond the mundanity of having his photo snapped by some lame yearbook photographer! That yearbook photo is great, and we dare you to say otherwise.

In the meantime, folks who follow "Game of Thrones" are surely bracing themselves for what's in store for Dinklage's beloved character. No spoilers, but we're already calling our friends to see who can come over to hold us while we tune in to HBO next Sunday night.

Peter Drunklage forever!

[Via Blinkbox]

Photo Courtesy of Reddit

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'Inside Amy Schumer' Season 2's Must-Watch Sketches (VIDEO)


Comedy Central's "Inside Amy Schumer" ended its second season last night and we're already salivating for a third. The raunchy blend of stand-up and sketch comedy, from the mind of Amy Schumer and her staff of writers, was filled with plenty of quote-worthy, memorable moments throughout its sophomore effort.

If you didn't watch, perhaps these clips from the second season will whet your appetite for more Amy. (There's some strong -- mostly bleeped -- language ahead, by the way:)

Behold, Amy's fast food restaurant Aaron Sorkin parody:

"I'm so bad." When it comes to food, this is a phrase we utter all too often. Just watch:
And now, every couple ever deciding what movie to watch. (We all have our own personal version of "Cocktail." Mine's "Mannequin 2: On the Move"):

Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows

"Sauced." A gameshow where two drunk ladies make a meal out of whatever is in their fridge:
You know that thing of when your mom can't work her computer? Yeah, we all do:

Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows

And here's our new favorite new daytime talk show, "The Nurses":

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Harry Potter Watchlist: 10th Anniversary of 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban'


Harry Potter Prisoner of AzkabanBelieve it or not, today marks the 10th anniversary of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Directed by Alfonso Cuaron, the film is the third -- and arguably the best -- installment in the Harry Potter series. To celebrate, Moviefone brings you a watchlist of all the Harry Potter films. Click here to reminisce!

Article photo courtesy of Everett

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The Wachowskis' 'Jupiter Ascending' Moves to February 2015


jupiter ascending release date moved february 2015Oh, boo. We were really looking forward to the Wachowskis' latest mind-bending saga, "Jupiter Ascending," which was due to descend into theaters on July 18. Unfortunately, "Jupiter" is spinning into next February, and the rumor is that the special FX aren't very special yet. Deadline's Jen Yamato reports, "I hear the Wachowskis needed more time to complete visual effects work on their CG-heavy space epic," which lead to the schedule rejiggering.

It's easy to surmise that Warner Bros and Village Roadshow are dumping the movie in February because it's the bleakest time of year for film. It's after the Oscar frenzy has died down, and everyone is busy paying attention to what's coming out of Park City over at the Sundance Film Festival, so it's a prime time to sneak a stinker into theaters.

On the other hand, it looks like Warner Bros. is going to have a hit on their hands with "Edge of Tomorrow," which is getting heaps of pre-release praise after months of meh-ness. Is it possible that the studio was waiting to see how "Edge of Tomorrow" would fare before unleashing "Jupiter Ascending"? Of course, Occam's Razor would suggest that it's probably nothing more than a backed-up CGI schedule. Because heaven knows plenty of us are waiting on tenterhooks to see Channing Tatum as a kohl-eyed space elf. Seriously.

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'Orange Is the New Black' Character Guide: A Handy Refresher


Season Two of the critically acclaimed and binge-worthy Netflix series "Orange Is the New Black" is upon us. As of June 6th, fans will be able to reunite with the inmates of Litchfield Penitentiary for round two.

The buzzy show was chock full of drama and laughs last season and featured quite a large cast of characters. Some of those characters came with backstories and flashbacks, so, If you're like us, you might need a little refresher.

We've got it covered. Before you settle in for Season Two, reacquaint yourself with the characters of "Orange Is the New Black" right here:

Photos courtesy of Jill Greenberg for Netflix

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J.J. Abrams Will Leak His Own 'Star Wars' Photos, Thanks


jj abrams leakThe drip, drip, drip of "Star Wars" news is even starting to bug J. J. Abrams, who took to Twitter earlier this morning with a simple, almost plaintive message written on a slip of paper, balanced delicately on a Holochess board, which famously appeared aboard the Millennium Falcon in the original "Star Wars" trilogy:

"I wish people would stop leaking photos from Episode VII. And making ridiculous claim that the Millennium Falcon is in the movie."
Abrams is referring, of course, to the massive TMZ leaks Monday and Tuesday that included a mysterious piggy creature and set pieces that some are guessing will become the Millennium Falcon. We imagine that whomever has been tipping off TMZ is probably regretting their decision as they sit in a small, grungy basement, tied to a chair and sweating under one fluorescent bulb, awaiting their fate at the hands of Bad Robot thugs. Or, more cynically, they're enjoying some cold, hard cash from Disney for being the fall guy or gal who can be blamed for "leaking" photos to a desperate fan base.

Will TMZ drop more photos this week? Will Abrams et al start dropping more deets to try and get one step ahead of the sneaks? Is it inevitable that leaks would happen, or is it a big ploy to keep us interested?

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Josh Trank Will Direct a 'Star Wars' Stand-Alone Movie


josh trank star wars spinoffJosh Trank is the latest director to be handed a "Star Wars" spinoff, and we couldn't be happier.

The director of "Chronicle" and the upcoming "Fantastic Four" reboot is the latest name attached to an entry in the upcoming slate of "Star Wars" stand-alone movies, joining "Godzilla" helmer Gareth Edwards in the Star Wars Cinematic Universe. And, if Trank brings his "Chronicle" sensibilities to LucasFilm, we're all in.

"The magic of the Star Wars Universe defined my entire childhood," Trank says in the press release. "The opportunity to expand on that experience for future generations is the most incredible dream of all time."

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In addition to the episodes of a new Star Wars trilogy, Lucasfilm and Disney continue development of multiple stand-alone movies that will offer new stories beyond the core Saga. The newest director to come on board is Josh Trank.

"We're thrilled to welcome Josh into the family," says Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. "He is such an incredible talent and has a great imagination and sense of innovation. That makes him perfectly suited to Star Wars, and for this new slate of movies that reach beyond the core characters and storylines of Episodes I through IX."

Trank states, "The magic of the Star Wars Universe defined my entire childhood. The opportunity to expand on that experience for future generations is the most incredible dream of all time."

Trank captured imaginations worldwide with his critically lauded directorial debut Chronicle, a fresh and engaging take on the superhero genre. Trank is currently at work on The Fantastic Four for 20th Century Fox.

Trank is currently filming the aforementioned "Fantastic Four" reboot, and we imagine he'll tackle the Star Wars flick soon after it wraps. No release date is set, but Edwards's flick is due out December 16, 2016, so, you know, it'll be out some time after that -- likely 2017 if Abrams's new trilogy gets an every-three-years release schedule like Episodes I through III.

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Robert Pattinson as Indiana Jones Is Today's Craziest Rumor


robert pattinson indiana jonesOh, hey. Were you having a good morning? Do you want to get eye-poppingly angry about something as silly as an unsubstantiated casting rumor? Have we got a good one for you!

Robert Pattinson might be the next Indiana Jones. Might. "Daily Star," a UK rag that uses terms like "yummy mummy" on the regs, has a so-called Hollywood source that says Pattinson is one of the actors Disney is considering to lead a new Indiana Jones franchise. According to their Hollywood source, which we imagine looks like a fancy, cigar-puffing executive with a comb-over, "They feel that the series has huge potential on many levels, starting with the films leading to other spin-offs like games which can generate more money than movies.

"Rob is top of the initial list because he has showed his acting stripes away from 'Twilight.'

"But the competition will be stiff."

(Ugh, video games based on movies. That's another kettle of stinky fish altogether.)

The House of Mouse snagged the rights to Indy Jones along with "Star Wars" when it purchased LucasFilm, and we all know what happened next. But is Pattinson really going to join another mega-franchise? Although his post-"Twilight" career has been a mixed bag, he's shown an impressive willingness to jump into challenging material with filmmakers like David Cronenberg ("Cosmopolis," "Maps to the Stars") and David Michôd ("The Rover"). Pattinson seemed shocked, if not downright disillusioned, by the fan frenzy that "Twilight" incited.

In 2011, Pattinson told "Vanity Fair," "There's nothing you can do about it. That's the way it is... But it is weird being part of that, kind of representing something you don't particularly like ... God. I just really headbutted it." And that interview was done before "Twilight" had even finished filming!

Although the actor has been extraordinarily grateful to the success "Twilight" has brought him, he's also made it clear that he wasn't seeking it and doesn't particularly like it. Although that built-in "Twilight" appeal might be attractive to a studio, it seems unlikely that the star would dive back into the franchise game.

What say you? Would casting Pattinson help or hurt an Indy reboot? Who would you choose to crack the whip once again?

[Via io9]

Photo by LOIC VENANCE/AFP/Getty Images

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'Edge of Tomorrow' Review: 10 Things You Need to Know About Tom Cruise's Latest Sci-Fi Romp


edge of tomorrow reviewLast weekend was kind of a lull in the summer movie death match. Sure, Disney's mega-budgeted "Maleficent" and whatever "A Million Ways to Die in the West" was supposed to be opened wide, but neither one was exactly a juggernaut worthy of the bloody gladiatorial race. (And, somewhat predictably, their box office numbers bore this out.)

This week, there are a couple of new contestants: "The Fault in Our Stars," a YA melodrama starring Shailene Woodley as a young cancer patient, and "Edge of Tomorrow," starring Tom Cruise in a nifty "Groundhog Day"-meets-"Starship Troopers" plot that has Cruise falling victim to an intergalactic time loop that allows him to die, again and again, on a battlefield against an invading army race. (Emily Blunt is a fellow warrior who has suffered similar effects.)

This is Cruise's second sci-fi movie in a row, following last year's big-budget video art installation "Oblivion," although it remains to be seen whether or not it will follow that film's somewhat lukewarm box office haul (it grossed less than $90 million domestic, compared to "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol's" more impressive $209 domestic take). The question remains: is it worth your time? Or is this one better suited to lazy TNT Sunday afternoon viewing?

1. Tom Cruise Is Awesome...
Cruise always delivers 110%, even when the movie he's in isn't very good (ahem, "Rock of Ages"), but "Edge of Tomorrow" offers the perfect synchronicity of performer and project. Cruise feels looser and more nimble than he has in ages (at least since the last "Mission: Impossible") and ever single thing that made him a beloved movie star is evident here: his charm, his seemingly boundless charisma, his determination, and his sex appeal. What's more, he's funny; insanely funny. If you're under the impression that Tom Cruise ever really went away (he didn't), then this would be the type of movie that would restore your faith in him. He's that amazing.

2. ...But Emily Blunt Is Even Better
Emily Blunt is one of those actresses who seems to toil away in promising-seeming movies that have never delivered her that star-making role. They were probably projects that seemed like a good idea at the time, like "The Five-Year Engagement" and "The Wolf Man," and Blunt is perfectly good in all of them... But her star has never been able to shine like it should... until now. Blunt is absolutely out of this world as the female warrior who was similarly unstuck in time and she radiates positivity, warmth, and an inner strength. We've been devoid of strong female characters this summer -- all of them have either been victims or villains -- and Blunt makes up for that handily. She is the heart and soul of "Edge of Tomorrow."

3. Industrial Light & Magic Outdoes Itself
Industrial Light & Magic, the visual effects house that George Lucas created for the original "Star Wars," has been responsible for the most consistently jaw-dropping movie magic in the past few decades (among them: "Pacific Rim" and the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies). But these wizards have really outdone themselves with their work in "Edge of Tomorrow." They conjure forth seemingly limitless vistas that are full of soldiers battling monsters that are a tornado of teeth and tentacles (more on them in a minute). It's all hyper-real stuff, grittily conceptualized, with actors interacting with unreal creations with an unparalleled level of mastery. You literally cannot believe your eyes.

4. It's Not That Confusing
The premise for "Edge of Tomorrow" seems to be a major sticking point for people, but the movie really isn't that confusing, although if I were to explain it here, then it would be pretty unclear. Basically, Cruise plays a PR flak who joined the military's promotional team when the war with the monsters broke out. He's conned into joining the troops in the European campaign (mercifully, the United States is left out of all the destruction). When in battle, he accidentally ingests some of the monsters' blood. The monsters have the power to "reset" the day, and pass that power onto Cruise. So that's why every time he dies he is instantly reborn. It's what he chooses to do with that power that is really interesting. Can he change the tide of the war? Or will he just be doomed to an infinite time loop? Therein lies the spills, chills, and thrills of "Edge of Tomorrow." Simple enough, right?

5. The Monsters Are Pretty Cool
The monsters are a Lovecraftian lump of fangs and techno-mechanical tentacles. At one point you see a pretty good 3D model of them, and they are identically fearsome, just not in the traditional sense (or the recent, buggy, "Cloverfield" model -- like the MUTOs in "Godzilla"). They've even got a cool name -- they're called the Mimics. Why they're called the Mimics? Well, that was probably lost in some long ago script draft. But the name is still neat. So that's what matters.

6. Bill Paxton Returns!
For the second time in as many months, Bill Paxton has a starring role in a fairly sizable summer movie. But whereas "Million Dollar Arm" had the actor deliberately underplaying, "Edge of Tomorrow" allows him to chew scenery with reckless abandon. Paxton plays the drill sergeant who comes down hard on Cruise and his band of misfit soldiers. It's been a while since Paxton has been able to ham it up like this (well, OK, I guess last summer's "2 Guns" wasn't exactly a subtle performance) and it is great to see him back in top form. I'd let Paxton yell obscenities at me any day.

7. It's Original Name Was Way Better
Unlike most of the summer movie offerings this year, "Edge of Tomorrow" isn't based on a video game or comic book. Instead, it's based on a Japanese "light novel" called "All You Need Is Kill," which is what the movie was originally called. That is the coolest name ever. "Edge of Tomorrow" is not. It's another anonymous sci-fi movie title. "All You Need Is Kill" is just the best.

8. Structurally, It's Pretty Ambitious
Doug Liman, the filmmaker behind "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and the first "Bourne Identity," directed "Edge of Tomorrow," but in some ways it's much closer to his independent features that were more ambitious, structurally and on a narrative level, like the wonderful "Go." "Edge of Tomorrow" has a very unique rhythm that, even if it follows the typical three-act structure, has a lot of wiggle room for odd narrative tics and structural adventurousness.

9. It's the Best Summer Movie So Far
This summer has been pretty light on dogs, at least so far, but "Edge of Tomorrow" is easily the best of the bunch, and in some ways sets the bar ridiculously high for the rest of the summer. Maybe because "Edge of Tomorrow" was such a surprise that it was even more powerful; whatever the reason, it totally rocks.

10. You're Going to Want to Watch It Over and Over Again
The way that the movie is "tracking" (indicators for what kind of money it's going to pull in this weekend), it looks like "Edge of Tomorrow" might not make much money, at least in the opening weekend. (The following weekend, there's every possibility that it will get pulverized by two much more well-known brands: "22 Jump Street" and "How to Train Your Dragon 2.") But that doesn't really matter. The movie is such a well-crafted gem that people are going to love it, and watch it over and over and over again.

Photo courtesy Warner Bros.

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