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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

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Latest Movie News From Moviefone

Just How Much Thanos Will We Get in 'Guardians of the Galaxy'?


josh brolin thanos guardians of the galaxyWARNING: This article contains mild SPOILERS about the character Thanos and his role in "Guardians of the Galaxy."

After Josh Brolin was revealed as the voice behind villain Thanos in "Guardians of the Galaxy," Marvel fans wondered just how prominently the character would factor into the flick.

Now, Vulture has the scoop about Thanos's role in "Guardians," and while it's minimal from a screen time perspective, it's still fairly significant in terms of advancing the story for the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. The site reports that the villain will make an appearance via hologram in the first third of the film, and communicate with his henchmen Ronan the Accuser (Lee Pace) and Nebula (Karen Gillan) through that method for the duration of "Guardians."

Ronan and Nebula will stand in as the main antagonists in the film (doing Thanos's bidding), though Vulture notes that the villain's "presence is palpable throughout: Characters reference him often and fearfully, and he has familial ties to Gamora (Zoe Saldana), our green-skinned female lead." And the plot of "Guardians" serves as yet another piece in the puzzle of Thanos's all-powerful Infinity Gauntlet, a weapon that's powered by Infinity Stones that he must collect from throughout the galaxy.

At least one of those stones will be revealed/accumulated during "Guardians," Vulture writes, though which one specifically is up for debate. (There are six overall, and several have already been revealed through other MCU films, including "The Avengers," "Thor: The Dark World," and "Captain America.") This is all setting up Thanos for his ultimate showdown with the Avengers gang, most likely in "Avengers 3," per Vulture's analysis.

Sounds like Marvel fans are in for some MCU-building fun. See how everything falls into place when "Guardians of the Galaxy" opens on August 1.

[via: Vulture]

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'Dr. Strange': Is This Marvel's Next Director?


Scott Derrickson Dr. Strange Director
Marvel is keeping mum, but word on the street is that the studio has found a director for its newest superhero flick, "Dr. Strange."

Variety reports that Scott Derrickson is in talks for the high-profile gig, and is currently working out a deal with the studio. The flick is set to be part of Marvel's Phase Three slate of projects.

Derrickson only has a handful of features under his belt and all of them have a horror bent, including his most recent picture, 2012's "Sinister." But he also helmed a remake of 1950s sci-fi flick "The Day the Earth Stood Still," which gives him some pedigree for dealing with the odd world of "Dr. Strange," an offbeat Marvel character if there ever was one. Per Variety, Strange is "a former neurosurgeon who serves as the 'Sorcerer Supreme' - the primary protector of Earth against magical and mystical threats."

"Derrickson and Marvel will now look to cast its title character," Variety also reported, "and while there is no front-runner at the time expect a decision in coming months."

We'll have to wait until Marvel makes the news official before we know anything about Derrickson's vision for the flick, but "Dr. Strange" has long been a priority for Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige, so the director must have made a helluva pitch to get selected for the job. And now that that decision is out of the way, perhaps Marvel can make up its mind about who will replace Edgar Wright on "Ant-Man".

via: Variety

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Vince Gilligan Says 'Better Call Saul' Might Be a 'Mistake' (VIDEO)


64th Annual ACE Eddie Awards - Cocktail Reception
Fans of a beloved television series may find it hard to let go when their favorite shows end, and often clamor for more. But are extra episodes or spinoffs ever really a good idea?

That's a question that "Breaking Bad" creator Vince Gilligan is currently struggling with as he preps "Better Call Saul," a "Bad" spinoff series that will feature several characters from the dearly departed AMC show. Gilligan aired out his worries during a recent showrunners roundtable discussion moderated by The Hollywood Reporter, delving into his mindset as "Saul" begins production.

"It opens you up to a lot of fears, like, is this gonna be 'Frasier' or is it gonna be 'After M*A*S*H'?" Gilligan said, citing two spinoff series that represent opposite ends of the success spectrum. (For the record, "Frasier" was a huge hit with viewers and critics; "After M*A*S*H," not so much.)

"I don't know yet," the showrunner continued. "Honest to god, I don't know. If it's 'After M*A*SH' rather than 'Frasier,' it won't be for lack of hard work and wishful thinking and a lot of smart people doing their best, but you just don't know until the world takes it."

Gilligan said he's trying not to dwell too much on his anxiety about "Saul" -- "I keep using the expression, 'Gotta get back up on the horse,'" he told THR -- but admitted that recent delays in the writers room have him thinking about the worst case scenario.

"I am worried ... it may turn out it was a mistake to do this," Gilligan said. "But there's time to worry about it a little bit, but not fixate on it at this point."

Here's hoping both naysayers and Gilligan's own neuroses are proven wrong.

[via: The Hollywood Reporter, h/t HuffPost Entertainment]

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Brad Pitt Speaks Frankly About His Red Carpet Attack


brad pitt attackerSerial red carpet harasser Vitalii Sediuk may think of himself as a harmless prankster, but his latest victim, Brad Pitt, has another term for him: "Nutter."

Pitt opened up for the first time this week about his bizarre interaction with the former Ukranian journalist, who rushed at Pitt while the actor was walking the red carpet at the "Maleficent" premiere last week. In a statement given to People, Pitt (who took out an emergency order of protection against Sediuk) recalled the strange version of events.

"I was at the end of the line signing autographs, when out the corner of my eye I saw someone stage-diving over the barrier at me," Pitt said. "I took a step back; this guy had latched onto my lapels. I looked down and the nutter was trying to bury his face in my crotch, so I cracked him twice in the back of the head - not too hard - but enough to get his attention, because he did let go. I think he was then just grabbing for a hand hold because the guys were on him, and he reached up and caught my glasses."

That account lines up with what other news outlets reported at the time of the altercation, which indicated that Pitt had been punched in the face by Sediuk. It seems that rather than strike Pitt, Sediuk was trying to repeat the bizarre ritual he'd already performed on Bradley Cooper and Leonardo DiCaprio, and his flailing after he was apprehended is what caused him to get in the actor's face. (Not that that makes it much better.)

As for that serial misbehavior -- which, before the incident with Pitt, occurred most recently at the Cannes Film Festival when Sediuk stuck his head underneath actress America Ferrera's dress -- Pitt didn't mince words when he said that Sediuk's antics wouldn't be tolerated anymore.

"I don't mind an exhibitionist," Pitt told People, "but if this guy keeps it up he's going to spoil it for the fans who have waited up all night for an autograph or a selfie, because it will make people more wary to approach a crowd. And he should know, if he tries to look up a woman's dress again, he's going to get stomped."

[via People, h/t Vulture]

Prankster Vitalii Sediuk's History of Red Carpet Annoyances

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Pepper Potts From 'Iron Man' Was Modeled After Ann B. Davis Character


Film Review Iron Man 3
Beloved sitcom actress Ann B. Davis, who passed away Sunday at age 88, was perhaps best known by modern audiences for her iconic role as Alice the housekeeper on '70s series "The Brady Bunch." But Davis had a stellar career long before she ever donned a maid's uniform, and it turns out that one of the actress's earliest roles made a huge impact on a current pop culture icon.

Davis gained acclaim for her performance as secretary Charmaine "Schultzy" Schultz on "The Bob Cummings Show," earning four Emmy nominations -- and nabbing two statuettes -- for Best Supporting Actress from 1955 to 1959. The character was universally popular, and even helped Davis get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, well before she joined the Bradys.

Davis and Schultzy were so revered that the character even made her way into Marvel comics, in the form of Pepper Potts, the love interest of Iron Man portrayed on the big screen today by Gwyneth Paltrow. Potts, in her earliest incarnations, closely resembled Schultzy both in looks and attitude, and according to Vanity Fair, both women were "loyal secretaries who pined after their womanizing boss."

Pepper eventually got a makeover, but it's still amazing to think that Davis left her mark on such a big piece of pop culture -- and that, thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, "Iron Man" and Pepper are still as popular today than they were back then. In remembering the late actress's legacy, we're glad that all of Davis' indelible contributions are getting the attention they deserve.

[via: Vanity Fair]

Image courtesy of Associated Press

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BFFs Zach Braff and Donald Faison Perform 'Scrubs' 'Guy Love' Duet (VIDEO)


Zach Braff and Donald Faison may have played fictional friends J.D. and Turk on the dearly departed sitcom "Scrubs," but fans know that the stars are also real life BFFs, with a delightful off-screen camaraderie that rivals that of the on-screen doctors.

The actors put their mutual affection on display during a recent Austin screening of Braff's Kickstarter-backed flick "Wish I Was Here" (Faison has a small part in the film) by performing an impromptu rendition of "Guy Love," the anthem J.D. and Turk sang to each other during the show's sixth season. While the tune perfectly and hilariously encapsulates J.D. and Turk's relationship, it also pulls double duty for Braff and Faison's friendship, too, something that fans and audience members at this weekend's screening no doubt inherently understand.

The duo crooned that "there's nothing gay about" their friendship, while noting that their relationship was akin to "marr[ying] my best friend -- but in a totally manly way." Braff also pointed out that Turk was "the only man who's even been inside" of J.D. (but as Faison quickly clarified, it was only because Turk removed J.D.'s appendix, lest you get the wrong impression).

Watch the clip and just try to keep a smile off your face. Warning: It will make you want to eagle someone at your earliest opportunity.

[via: Vulture]

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A Japanese Woman Is Divorcing Her Husband Because He Didn't Like 'Frozen'


frozen divorceWhen it comes to "Frozen," there are fans and then there are obsessives -- and a Japanese woman in the latter camp is making headlines because she's chosen the movie over her marriage.

Japanese website Kikonsha no Hakaba (via translation from Digital Spy) reports that a 29-year-old Japanese woman has asked her 31-year-old husband for a divorce after the man admitted that he didn't really care for the kid-friendly flick. According to the site, the woman saw the movie several times in theaters by herself and fell in love with the animated musical; her husband initially resisted offers to join her at the cinema, claiming he wasn't interested in the story, but eventually caved when she kept persisting.

But it seems the woman should have taken a cue from the film and just let it go, since it turns out that once the husband saw "Frozen" for himself, he still didn't understand all the fuss.

"It's an okay movie, I guess, but I didn't really care for it personally," the man reportedly told his wife. "Do you really think it's that good?"

"If you can't understand what makes this movie great, there's something wrong with you as a human being! I want a divorce!" the woman replied.

The apparently not-so-happy couple had been married for six years before "Frozen" drove a wedge between them. The wife is now reportedly back living with her parents, where she can no doubt ask them to build a snowman to her heart's content.

[via: Digital Spy]

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Neil deGrasse Tyson Reveals Everything That's Wrong With 'Gravity' in One Mind-Blowing Video


gravity neil degrasse tyson"Gravity" is a breathtaking, awe-inspiring feat of technological movie-making, but quite a few scientists have pointed out its flaws and lapses in accuracy.

Among them is renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, host of the excellent docu-series "Cosmos." He teamed up with Cinema Sins, the folks behind the "Everything Wrong With ..." line of YouTube videos.

Tyson has long been critical of Alfonso Cuaron's film; he tweeted some of his issues with it last fall. The scientists reads those tweets in the video, including:
Some of "Gravity's" other egregious sins:
- Movie expects us to believe any woman would run off on George Clooney
- Heavy-handed womb imagery
- With a population of 1 inside the escape pod, even now the man gets credit for the woman's idea
- We interrupt the finale of "Gravity" to bring you a quick shot from "Armageddon"

Watch the video to tally the 69 total movie sins of "Gravity":

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New DVD Blu-ray: 'Lone Survivor,' 'Robocop,' 'Son of God'


new dvd blu-ray

Moviefone's Top DVD of the Week
"Lone Survivor"
What's It About? Mark Wahlberg stars as real-life Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell in this action/drama based on a true story about a covert mission in Afghanistan. Peter Berg directs, and Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, and Eric Bana co-star.
Why We're IN: Despite some disputes over the veracity of Luttrell's story, "Lone Survivor" got strong reviews from critics and fans alike.

Moviefone's Top Blu-ray of the Week
"The Nutty Professor" (50th Anniversary Ultimate Collector's Edition)
What's It About? Jerry Lewis stars in this classic comedic take on "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."
Why We're IN: This fancy 4-disc special edition includes DVDs of two other films with Jerry Lewis, "Cinderfella" and "The Errand Boy," plus loads of extras.

New on DVD and Blu-ray
"Falling Skies: Complete Third Season"
What's It About? Aliens have invaded the Earth! Several types of 'em, actually, and they're no joke. Noah Wyle stars as a former history professor named Tom who ends up leading a ragtag group of humans in the alien resistance. The third season sees Tom as the newly elected president of whatever's left of the US, but what about the old prez? And what will come of Tom's alien alliances?
IN or OUT: "Falling Skies" has gotten pretty decent reviews, but sci-fi fans aren't totally on board with the narrative. Your mileage may vary.

"In the Blood"
What's It About? MMA mega-star Gina Carano ("Haywire") and Cam Gigandet ("Twilight") star as newlyweds celebrating their nuptials in the Caribbean. Their honeymoon takes a turn for the butt-kickingly weird when Derek (Gigandet) goes missing and Ava (Carano) has to pull a full-on "Taken" to save him.
IN or OUT: Carano kicks butt, but we could do without the lesser "Twilight" dude. Apparently, critics agreed.

"Pretty Little Liars: Complete Fourth Season"
What's It About? High school is brutal in this TV series about a clique of popular, pretty high school girls whose friend has disappeared. The remaining four gals are tormented by a mysterious person identified as "A," who is slowly revealing all their secrets...
IN or OUT: "PLL" has scores of diehard fans -- maybe you're one of them.

What's It About? It's about the same thing as the 1987 original: A police officer who dies in the line of duty is turned into a prototype for a RoboCop by the evil OmniCorp. Joel Kinnaman stars as the man inside of the machine.

EXCLUSIVE: Go behind-the-scenes on the construction of RoboCop (VIDEO)
Robocop- DVD Clip No. 1

"Son of God"
What's It About? The life story of Jesus. That's about it.
IN or OUT: It got a critical drubbing, but if it's your bag, who are we to judge?

"True Blood: Complete Sixth Season"
What's It About? It's an all-out war between the humans and the vampires, and guess who's caught in the middle? SOOOKEH! So much happens that it's hard to keep track of -- just know there's lots of blood and nudity.
IN or OUT: Audio commentary, featurettes, and more make this a good investment for diehard Trubies.

"Workaholics: Season Four"
What's It About? Blake, Adam, and Anders are three slacker dudes who party and rage and do drugs and have menial jobs. That's about it.
IN or OUT: This is on Comedy Central practically all the time, but hey, do your thing.

New on Blu-ray
"Alexander" (The Ultimate Cut)
What's It About? A young and babely Colin Farrell stars as the King of Macedonia, Angelina Jolie as his hot mama Olympias, Anthony Hopkins as Ptolemy, Jared Leto as Alexander's BFF Hephaestion, and Rosario Dawson as Alexander's wife Roxana.
IN or OUT: Oliver Stone can't stop futzing around with his historical epic, although he's assured us this is the definitive version. This 10th anniversary edition has a bounty of extras, including two audio commentaries by Stone himself. However, it got terrible reviews.

"The Outsiders" (Complete Novel Edition)
What's It About? Francis Ford Coppola's classic coming-of-age drama stars Matt Dillon, Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, and a host of other actors in this adaptation of the novel by S.E. Hinton.
IN or OUT: This is the first time "The Outsiders" has been on Blu-ray. Plus, there are plenty of extras, including audio commentary by Coppola and, separately, the film's stars. Why not?

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Express Binge on These 11 Summer Shows That Have 13 Episodes or Less


Plenty of TV shows are coming back this summer and there's still time to catch up on some of them before their respective returns. Especially the ones, below, which only have one season under their belts. All of these programs have under thirteen episodes and some have as little as six. That's, like, a night on your couch after work.

Bottom line is: There's still time! Check out these soon-to-return shows that will air second seasons this summer:

'Orange is the New Black' (Returns to Netflix June 6th)
There's still time to watch the thirteen episodes of one of 2013's most talked-about entertainment events. Watch as Piper Chapman experiences going to jail for a crime she committed ten years prior and get to know the inmates she meets along the way. WATCH NOW.

'Graceland' (Returns to USA June 11th)
Top undercover agents live together in a SoCal beach house known as "Graceland." There are only twelve episodes... go! WATCH NOW.

'Rectify' (Returns to Sundance June 19th)
Sundance's first original series, "Rectify", follows Daniel Holden as he returns to his hometown after 19 years on death row. Six episodes? Piece of cake. WATCH NOW.

'Defiance' (Returns to SyFy June 19th)
This sci-fi drama takes place in 2046. What used to be St. Louis is now called "Defiance" and aliens have touched down on earth. There are twelve episodes in the first season. WATCH NOW.

'Last Tango in Halifax' (Returns to PBS June 29th)
The British drama with only six eps in the first season hails from the BBC One, landing on PBS for your viewing pleasure again this summer. Two seniors reunite on social media for romance sixty years after first meeting. WATCH NOW.

'Under the Dome' (Returns to CBS June 30th)
CBS premiered "Under the Dome" last summer, airing thirteen episodes, and fans were immediately hooked. Based on the Stephen King novel, it's the survival story of a small town in Maine that gets cut off from the rest of society. WATCH NOW.

'Witches of East End' (Returns to Lifetime July 6th)
Based on the book of the same name, this show (there are ten episodes in the first season) chronicles the adventures of a beautiful family of witches residing in a small seaside town. Jenna Dewan-Tatum and Julia Ormond star. WATCH NOW.

'The Bridge' (Returns to FX July 9th)
Based on a Danish/Swedish series, "The Bridge" is about a duo of police detectives on either side of the Mexican/American border and their joint investigation of a serial killer. There are thirteen episodes of the Diane Kruger / Damian Bichir crime drama in Season One. WATCH NOW.

'Hemlock Grove' (Returns to Netflix July 11th)
The Eli Roth-produced horror series follows the aftermath of a teenager's murder in a town full of secrets. Watch thirteen episodes of scariness before its return. WATCH NOW.

'Masters of Sex' (Returns to Showtime July 13th)
​Showtime's period drama revolves around William Masters' and Virginia's Johnson's research on human sexuality and stars Michael Sheen and Lizzy Caplan. There are twelve episodes to sink your teeth into before July's Season Two premiere date... WATCH NOW.

'Ray Donovan' (Returns to Showtime July 13th)
​Liev Schreiber portrays Ray Donovan, a Boston-bred LA "fixer" for a big time law firm. The first season has twelve episodes. WATCH NOW.

Photo courtesy of Lifetime / Joseph Viles

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New 'Hercules' Trailer: The Rock Is Part Mortal, Part God (VIDEO)


hercules trailerFerocious lions, nine-headed hydras, and humongous wild boars don't stand a chance against The Rock.

A new, full-length trailer is out for Brett Ratner's reimagined version of the "Hercules" myth, and this one is a lot more sly than the first. This might be a sword-and-sandals swashbuckler featuring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, but it also doesn't take itself too seriously.

The trailer shows glimpses of Hercules completing his 12 labours, then embarking on a mission of vengeance. After his family is killed, he battles against the descendants of Hades, aka "hell on earth," to save humanity.

"A man with a cause can be stronger than a god," intones John Hurt's King of Thrace.

Cool monsters, a wicked lion hat, and lots of The Rock flexing his muscles - add in a few jokes, and this "Hercules" could be a lot of popcorn fun. The scenery-chewing cast includes Ian McShane, Rufus Sewell, and Joseph Fiennes.

"Hercules" opens in theaters July 25.

Photo courtesy Paramount

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Jonah Hill Graciously Apologizes for Yelling 'Hurtful' Homophobic Slur


jonah hill apology homophobic slurJonah Hill is apologizing for using a homophobic slur during an altercation with paparazzi this weekend.

A contrite Hill called into Howard Stern's radio show this morning to say he was sorry.

"I'm upset because from the day I was born, and publicly, I've been a gay rights activist," said the star of "Wolf of Wall Street" and "22 Jump Street."

Hill and a friend were being followed by photographers and cameramen, who were shouting at the actor to get a response from him. At first, the star ignored them, but finally lashed out at one.

"Just to give it some context - not excusing what I said in any way - this person had been following me around all day, had been saying hurtful things about my family, really hurtful things about me personally, and I played into exactly what he wanted and lost my cool," Hill explained.

The actor has been a vocal proponent of same-sex rights and spoke out against Russia's anti-gay laws before the Sochi Olympics. There is also a scene in "22 Jump Street" in which Hill's character lectures Channing Tatum's character about using offensive homophobic language.

"In that moment, I said a disgusting word that does not at all reflect how I feel about any group of people," Hill said, noting that he was about to stand up with a gay friend at his wedding.

"I'm not at all defending my choice of words, but I am happy to be the poster boy for thinking about what you say and how those words, even if you don't intend them and how they mean, they are rooted in hate, and that's bulls---. I shouldn't have said that."

Photo by Christopher Polk/Getty Images for MTV

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'The Bachelorette' Week 4: Remembering Eric Hill


This week's second episode of "The Bachelorette" didn't feature a typical rose ceremony out of respect for deceased contestant, Eric Hill.

Eric died tragically in a paragliding accident shortly after filming his portion of the season. This was his last episode, so host Chris Harrison announced the results and paid tribute to Eric (alongside Andi) in the last few minutes of the show.

Eric's last moments on screen were tense ones. He approached Andi, hoping she would be more open and real with him, and told her, "I came on this to meet a person, not a TV actress." This sparked tears and a heated conversation, which caused him to leave not long after their exchange.

"My last conversation with him, it's not ideally the last conversation I would want to have with somebody," Andi explained to Chris Harrison at the end of the episode during their tribute.

Harrison concluded the show with these words: "Our deepest condolences go to his family and friends. He will be greatly missed."

This was certainly an emotional episode. What else happened?

-The group headed to Connecticut. Dylan and Andi had a one-on-one on an old timey train and he was able to open up about his very difficult past. After acting closed off for the first part of the date, he told Andi about his brother and sister's passing. She was very moved by his story and it was a somber, but connected, moment for the two of them. She gave him a rose but made sure he knew it was the "opposite of a pity rose."

-For the group date, the guys had to play some basketball. First, they got completely schooled by a few WNBA players. Then they split up in teams for a little friendly competition. It wasn't that friendly, though, because the winning team got to go on a date with Andi. "Team Rosebud" won and they were super fired up about the whole thing.

-Andi went on a one-on-one with Marcus and it looked terrifying. They repelled off the side of the Mohegan Sun hotel, which completely freaked Andi out at first. But Marcus swooped in and calmed her down with the greatest of ease. He got a rose. "Is there a bad thing about Marcus?" Andi couldn't help but wonder...

Who left: Chris Harrison announced that Tasos did not receive a rose.

Who's up: Marcus and Dylan both had successful one-on-ones. Andi said Marquel "lightens her mood" and "cracks her up" so there's something there. Andi also said she was very comfortable with Nick.

MVP: Brian. Andi actually called him "MVP on the court and off the court," so it's practically a given. Being a basketball coach and all, he totally dominated the group date. After not kissing Andi after swishing a sweet half court shot, he went back later and got the smooch he missed out on.

Until next time, "Bachelorette" fans...

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Ricky Gervais and Jimmy Fallon Can't Keep It Together on 'The Tonight Show' (VIDEO)


ricky gervais word sneak tonight show jimmy fallonOn "The Tonight Show," Jimmy Fallon has a game called "Word Sneak," in which he and his guests attempt to insert completely non sequitur (read: dirty) words into conversation. Last night's victim was non other than Ricky Gervais who, after complaining about being asked to participate, did so with aplomb. The result is a hilarious display of dirty-word one-upping and, well, laziness. But who can blame them?

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'The Fault in Our Stars' Preview: Gus Freaks Out (EXCLUSIVE)


The Fault In Our Stars - Clip No.1

If you're a die-hard "The Fault in Our Stars" fan, odds are you've seen, read, and inhaled just about everything there is to see, read, and inhale about the upcoming, hotly anticipated movie version of author John Green's beloved novel. Well, we know there's at least one preview left that you haven't seen, because it's debuting right now, exclusively on Moviefone.

In this clip, Hazel (Shailene Woodley) and Gus (Ansel Elgort) are about to take off on a trip they'll never forget. Well, it turns out it's Gus's first flight, and he couldn't be more excited/terrified by the prospect of lifting off into the air.

"Oh my god, we're flying. Oh my god, we're flying. Look! Look at the cars," he exclaims, with airborne newbie excitement. Aw.

Also not to be missed is a spontaneous hand squeeze, and important confession, and Woodley's introduction to the clip, which showcases her excitement for the movie in general.

"The Fault in Our Stars" will be giving audiences all kinds of feels when it hits theaters Friday, June 6. Get the tissues ready.

fault in our star movie times and tickets

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