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Sunday, January 31, 2016

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Box Office: Why 'Finest Hours' and 'Jane Got a Gun' Fell Way Short This Weekend


The math doesn't add up.

This has been a surprisingly strong January at the box office, with Hollywood raking in more than $1 billion during a month that's traditionally a big post-holiday let-down at the multiplex. This weekend's take was 20 percent above last weekend's. So why do this weekend's four new releases seem like such box office disappointments?

Well, okay, two of them -- "Fifty Shades of Black" and "Jane Got a Gun," really are disappointments. The other two -- "Kung Fu Panda 3" and "The Finest Hours," may just be the victims of overinflated expectations. We have to keep remembering: this is still January, box office no-man's-land. Expecting too much of certain movies because other similar movies did okay at this time of year is foolish.
Really, the makers of "Panda 3" should be pretty happy with the movie's estimated $41.0 million take, even though that opening is on the lower-end of expectations. After all, it is a third installment and it comes nearly five years after the last one (an eternity for the kid-movie audience). That it did as well as it did -- debuting at No. 1, claiming the third-biggest January opening ever -- is a tribute to the strength of the franchise, the film's positive reviews, and the weakness of the competition. It's still the lowest opening of the three "Kung Fu Panda" movies, but the first two opened in the summer, not in the dead of January.

Similarly, hopes were overly high for "Finest Hours." Despite the seemingly crowd-pleasing storyline and period setting of this "Perfect Storm"-esque true story of a harrowing Coast Guard rescue at sea, "Hours" came in fourth place with $10.3 million. That total is well below expectations, and doesn't bode well for the film to recoup its estimated $70 million production budget.

So why did "Finest" sink? While Chris Pine is the lead in this ensemble, he is not a box office draw outside of playing Captain Kirk. And the actors surrounding him also lack the star wattage to put butts in seats. The movie got only middling reviews, which hurts when you're trying to attract an older audience. And the "Finest Hours" audience was definitely older, with Disney estimating that 82 percent of the viewers were over 25. It's pretty hard to generate a blockbuster without having some youth appeal.
Imitating the successes of Januaries past was also a problem for Marlon Wayans, whose horror spoof "A Haunted House" was a hit three years ago at this time. Still, despite predictions in the $10-11 million range, he couldn't duplicate that success with his latest spoof, "Fifty Shades of Black," which opened in ninth place with an estimated $6.2 million. It didn't help that Wayans was competing for the same audiences who are seeing holdovers "Ride Along 2" and "Dirty Grandpa." But what hurt the movie the most was probably its terrible reviews and weak word-of-mouth, as measured by a C grade at CinemaScore.

The saddest entry of the weekend is "Jane Got a Gun," the Natalie Portman western with a notoriously troubled production history. Portman, who co-produced and stars in the film, shepherded it through three years of cast and director changes, a distributor bankruptcy, and multiple release date delays. Still, no one thought the film would open higher than seven figures. But it didn't even reach that bar.

Despite opening on 1,210 screens, "Jane" debuted at No. 17 with just an estimated $803,000. Not that average moviegoers cared about or even knew about the movie's unfortunate backstory. But distributor The Weinstein Company, which attached trailers for "Jane" to "The Hateful Eight," should have known better than to release Portman's western so soon after Tarantino's, not to mention putting it up against the period Frontier piece "The Revenant." (Which, in its sixth weekend, still pulled in an estimated $12.4 million, good for second place.)
Plus, "Jane" is competing not just with other horse operas, but also with all the Oscar-nominated movies that are dominating the art-houses because -- all together now -- it's January. And those movies are doing reasonably well. In fact, none of the holdovers in the top 15 slots on the chart lost more than 39 percent of last week's business. The fact that there wasn't a huge East Coast blizzard or NFL playoffs this weekend certainly helped, but still, such strong legs are a sign of good health for the box office overall.

On the whole, domestic sales this January are 3 percent ahead of where they were at this time last year. We didn't have an "American Sniper" this January, but we did have "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," which more than made up for it. So, on balance, the month looks better than this weekend's new releases would suggest. Still, Hollywood will surely be happy to see January end and will cross its fingers for February's groundhogs to predict an early spring.

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Weekend Box Office: 'Kung Fu Panda 3' Wins Fight for No. 1


LOS ANGELES (AP) — "Kung Fu Panda 3" has kicked its way to the top of the North American box office with a respectable $41 million, according to Rentrak estimates Sunday.

The animated sequel fared much better than the weekend's other new openers, like Disney's Coast Guard adventure "The Finest Hours," which debuted in fourth place with $10.3 million.

The "Fifty Shades of Grey" parody "Fifty Shades of Black" earned around $6.2 million, but it only cost a reported $5 million to produce, while The Weinstein Company's Natalie Portman-led Western "Jane Got a Gun" misfired out of the gates, bringing in less than $1 million on a $25 million budget.

Holdovers "The Revenant" and "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" took second and third place with $12.4 million and $10.8 million, respectively.

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Latest News Cinema Blend

Latest News Cinema Blend

Gamers Can Finally Get Mew In Pokemon Tomorrow

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 02:29 PM PST

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How The Gilmore Girls Cast Feels About Continuing Without Richard

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 02:03 PM PST

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Watch The Danny DeVito And Detective Pikachu Mashup Video

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 01:49 PM PST

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Watch The Suicide Squad Trailer Remade With 90's Cartoons

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 01:45 PM PST

The trailer for Suicide Squad was pretty remarkable. So you may ask: what could possibly have made the trailer better? By remaking the whole thing using the DC cartoons from the 90's of course!

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Weekend Box Office: Number One Kung Fu Panda 3 Finishes Out Strong January

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 01:20 PM PST

The box office closed out one of its strongest Januarys ever with another sequel in the number one spot, only the second new release this month managing to take top honors.

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What Scott Patterson Thinks Of Reprising Luke Danes In Gilmore Girls

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 12:24 PM PST

Gilmore Girls fans everywhere seemed to win the lottery when it was announced that the show would be producing new episodes for Netflix, especially with the original cast. Scott Patterson recently took to social media to express his feelings when returning to Luke's baseball cap and plaid shirt.

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Louie CK Just Dropped A Surprise New Series With Steve Buscemi

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 11:49 AM PST

Now it seems that iconic stand up comic Louie C.K. has teamed up with actor Steve Buscemi to bring audiences a dry, somber comedy in the form of their new web series: Horace and Pete.

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Metal Gear Online Is Adding A New Playable Character, Get The Details

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 10:50 AM PST

A new playable character and a pair of new maps are coming to Metal Gear Online in March, offering players a couple of new playgrounds to go to war on, alongside a new combatant that doesn't really say all that much.

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Super Smash Bros. Is Adding Two More Characters This Week

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 10:26 AM PST

Thanks to a pair of new videos and a tweet straight from Nintendo, we now know when the final two characters in the Smash Bros. roster will be introduced to the game. Get ready to battle as Bayonetta and Corrin later this week.

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Watch Kristen Wiig and Jon Hamm Hilariously Reunite At The SAG Awards

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 10:18 AM PST

Kristen Wiig and Jon Hamm reunited to present at the SAG Awards last night, and completely recaptured the chemistry we all remember and love from Bridesmaids.

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What We Can Expect From Game Of Thrones Season 6, According To Sophie Turner

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 10:09 AM PST

The yearlong wait between seasons of Game Of Thrones is almost as excruciating as Theon's torture at the hands of Ramsay Bolton. Luckily for us, Season 6 is right around the corner, and Sophie Turner is confirming it's worth the wait.

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Captain Phasma Will Definitely Apppear in Episode VIII

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 09:40 AM PST

Despite her awesome look, Captain Phasma ultimately had very little impact on The Force Awakens. This problem will seemingly be rectified in the future, as she will have an expanded role in Episode VIII.

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See The First Images From XXX 3

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 08:27 AM PST

The first official images from the third xXx have finally hit the web, and if nothing else they show that the franchise has returned to wholeheartedly embrace the absurd and extreme.

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How Sansa Stark Will Change In Season 6, According To Sophie Turner

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 08:20 AM PST

One thing has been abundantly clear since Game of Thrones first aired in 2011: it ain't easy being a Stark. Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa, recently opened up regarding her fate in Season 6, and how it will differ from what we've seen thus far.

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Recasting Wolverine Would Be Impossible, According To Bryan Singer and X-Men's Screenwriter

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 07:43 AM PST

The Australian heartthrob will soon ditch the sideburns and adamantium claws in order to walk away from the X-Men franchise, which only begs one question: who could replace him? According to the creative forces behind the franchise, nobody can.

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This Rotten Week: Predicting Hail, Caesar, The Choice, And Pride And Prejudice And Zombies Reviews

Posted: 31 Jan 2016 04:56 AM PST

If you need proof that the movie calendar is starting to get more eclectic in all of the months in the year, then you need look no further than the crop of films Hollywood has coming your way this weekend. How many times are we going to see the Coen brothers face off against Nicholas Sparks and period drama spliced with horror?

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New Street Fighter V Trailer Shows Types Of Gameplay

Posted: 30 Jan 2016 08:22 PM PST

Capcom has released a new three minute trailer detailing all the different game modes that will be available in Street Fighter V on day one when it launches on PC and PS4 on February 16th. The game will feature Tutorial, Story, Survival, Training and Network modes.

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Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them Video Reveals New Footage From The Harry Potter Spinoff

Posted: 30 Jan 2016 05:24 PM PST

With the Celebration of Harry Potter in full swing in Universal Orlando, some very exciting tidbits from the Harry Potter universe have spread like fiendfyre among fans of JK Rowling's magical world.

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Alien: Covenant Won't Include Prometheus' Noomi Rapace

Posted: 30 Jan 2016 03:33 PM PST

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EA Clarifies Why We Most Likely Won't Have Force Awakens Characters In Battlefront

Posted: 30 Jan 2016 03:33 PM PST

EA has revealed in an earnings call exactly why they haven't added any new content from Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens into the recent release of Star Wars: Battlefront and why none of the upcoming season pass DLC contains content from the movie: they're doing it to preserve canon continuity.

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Activision Is Working On A Ghostbusters Game, Get The Details

Posted: 30 Jan 2016 02:28 PM PST

Reports are going around saying that there are plans to make a brand new Ghostbusters game for the Xbox One and PS4. The game details are completely off the table right now but Sony's VP of consumer products, Mark Caplan, gave a few hints at what gamers can expect from the brand this year.

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