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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

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Latest Movie News

The 2015 Movies That Need to Be on Your Radar

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 11:00 PM PST

You don't need us to tell you that you should look forward to Avengers: Age of Ultron or Ant-Man or Mad Max: Fury Road. It's not that we have anything against megablockbuster movies. Far from it, as they're absolutely some of our most anticipated movies of the year. But odds are they're all on your radar already. So we want to turn your attention to a boatload of other movies coming out in 2015 that we should all be looking forward to. We're sure you've heard of many of these, just keep them in mind when you're counting down the days to Star Wars: The Force Awakens.   Auteur Directors with New Movies Blackhat - Michael Mann (Heat, Miami Vice, The Insider). A thriller about an unrealistically handsome hacker (Chris Hemsworth) that the U.S...
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This Is the Best New Year's Eve Movie Scene of All Time

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

For as long as I've been writing about movies, I've always arrived at the final day of the year with an itch to point out the greatness of one scene -- a scene I feel is the best New Year's Eve movie scene of all time. And while there's always new ways to write about a scene, I felt the best way to go about it this year is to repost what I wrote after the great and wonderful Nora Ephron passed away in 2012. Hers is a voice that expressed feelings like no other, and this scene not only puts the finishing touches on a fantastic movie about the complexities of the male-female relationship, but it's also a wonderful moment to remember and cherish as we transition to a new year.  First, the scene. Below you'll find my thoughts on it from June...
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The Last Sci-fi Blog: The 2015 Science Fiction Movie Preview

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 08:30 PM PST

2014 was a landmark year for science fiction films... and it's over. Gone forever. Destined to live on only in our hearts, minds and DVD shelves. But this is sci-fi -- you've got to always keep one eye on the future. After all, 2015 certainly doesn't look like its lacking in the "potentially pretty-great science fiction film" department. So let's journey into the 2015 and take a look at 15 movies that should be on your radar.   Predestination Release Date: January 9 Reason to Get Excited: The Spierig brothers' adaptation of Robert Heinlein's All You Zombies is a bizarre, unsettling and wholly unique film that somehow transforms its dense and seemingly unadaptable source material into a thrilling cinematic experience. Ethan...
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The Best of 2014: Young-Adult Book-to-Film Adaptations

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 07:00 PM PST

Welcome to the YA Movie Countdown, our resident expert’s guide to young-adult book-to-film adaptations. The young-adult book-to-film craze continues, going five-for-six in 2014. The Giver may have completely missed the mark, but The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 1, The Maze Runner, The Fault in Our Stars, Divergent and Vampire Academy all had something to offer. Of course some were better than others, and now it’s time to recognize those standout accomplishments. The category selection was a bit arbitrary and simply came down to what I wanted to write about most, so if there are topics, moments or other achievements that are not addressed here, please do include them in the comments section below.   Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence, The Hunger Games...
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Remembering One of the Greatest Scenes in Movie History

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 06:00 PM PST

It’s the last day of 2014 – and coincidentally enough, my last day as a news writer here at When I was asked what movie I’d want to write about for my final post, I had all of the usual suspects run through my head: The Big Lebowski, Suspiria, Halloween, Takeshi Kitano’s haunting Fireworks… but at the end of the day, there was really only one movie it could be: Jaws. Steven Spielberg’s 1975 classic is arguably my favorite movie of all time. There are a million reasons why I love Jaws (and we devoted a whole week to the film back in 2012), but one of the main reasons is because Robert Shaw is just so damn brilliant in it. Shaw’s Quint is one of my all-time favorite screen characters – he’s brash, he’s a jerk...
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'Ghostbusters' Director Paul Feig Reveals What the Reboot Might Look Like

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 04:30 PM PST

It wouldn’t be the end of the year without at least one more Ghostbusters story, so today we bring you this interview with Paul Feig – the guy who’s about to reboot the beloved franchise. Feig candidly discusses his vision for an all-female team of Ghostbusters, and gives us a glimpse of what the new film will look like in this piece from Empire Magazine. If you’re wondering why Feig has chosen to do a reboot instead of a sequel (like the oft-discussed Ghostbusters 3), it’s because he has “too much respect for the original.” He goes on to elaborate: “There's also the feeling that once the world knows ghosts and has seen them busted on such a large scale, they run the risk of becoming pedestrian. There's something fun...
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Watch Previews for the Five Most Anticipated Movies of 2015

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 03:00 PM PST

2015 is going to be a monster year at the movies, and we'll be writing a lot about those films heading our way in the coming days... but first! Our friends at Fandango got the ball rolling by polling 1,000 people and asking them for their most anticipated 2015 movies... and, yup, Star Wars: The Force Awakens came out on top. Something tells us the Force is gonna be a wee bit strong with this one. The first Star Wars movie in a decade (and first Star Wars sequel in over 30 years) beat out other crazily anticipated movies like Avengers: Age of Ultron, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay -- Part 2, Jurassic World and, yes, even Fifty Shades of Grey -- the latter of which actually topped all of these movies when it came to trailer views on YouTube in 2014.  Other categories...
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See Fascinating Concept Art from the 'Toy Story' Movie That Never Happened

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 01:30 PM PST

Back in 2004 there was a brief hiccup in the world of movies when a partnership between Pixar and Disney began to fall apart due to its leaders (Steve Jobs at Pixar and Michael Eisner at Disney) not seeing eye to eye when it came to the future of the blossoming animation giant. The ensuing tension caused Disney to briefly launch its own Pixar-like animation unit called Circle 7 Animation, which got to work on churning out sequels to the Pixar properties Disney owned the rights to, like Toy Story, Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo. Eventually a deal was struck and Disney acquired Pixar, and all those sequels that were in development were immediately scrapped. But not before a bunch of work had already been done -- and in the case of the Toy Story sequel, which was the franchise's...
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Movie News: Mark Wahlberg Wants Martin Scorsese to Direct a 'Boardwalk Empire' Movie

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 12:00 PM PST

Boardwalk Empire: Mark Wahlberg, who served as a producer on the HBO crime series Boardwalk Empire (starring Steve Buscemi, above), says: "My next goal now is to get the movie made and start talking to Martin Scorsese about directing it." Scorsese directed the pilot episode of the series, set largely in Atlantic City in the 1920s; it concluded its five-season run earlier this year. Wahlberg wants to structure the movie much like Entourage, the big-screen version of the HBO series on which he also served as a producer. [Ralphie Tonight via]   Rambo 5: Sylvester Stallone still has Rambo on his mind. Earlier this year he indicated that he had written a fifth installment in which John Rambo would battle a Mexican drug cartel, a scenario first mentioned in...
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Latest Movie News From Moviefone

Latest Movie News From Moviefone

Wendell Pierce on Filming 'Selma' and Why It's One of the Highlights of His Life


Ava DuVernay's "Selma" is a wonderful film, a moving and powerful tribute to the American civil rights pioneers who helped bring about tremendous changes to their nation. Along with the likes of Nobel Laureate Martin Luther King Jr., a large number of equally committed individuals fought for the rights of their community against injustice.

One of the key participants of that Bloody Sunday that occurred on the Edmund Pettus Bridge was the Reverend Hosea Williams, member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and close associate with Dr. King. In the film he is played by Wendell Pierce, himself a vocal champion for justice and a tremendous talent to boot. As one of the backbone players on shows such as "The Wire" and "Treme," with "Selma" Pierce brings out some of his trademark wit and that exquisite baritone voice.

Moviefone Canada spoke with Pierce about his involvement in the film, the challenges of bringing this story to life, and how the role was received by those that actually marched across that bridge.

Moviefone Canada: What, if any, connection or relationship did you have with Hosea Williams before the project?
Wendell Pierce: I knew of Hosea Williams, I knew what his role was in the civil rights movement. All of the lieutenants around Martin Luther King were leaders in their own right. He had done so much work in Savannah, Georgia, and Atlanta, so I was very familiar with him. Like most people, I knew that he was in this seminal moment in civil rights history, on Bloody Sunday, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with John Lewis, the two men in our psyche when it comes to that day.

When I was offered the role, there was one thing that I knew would be in the film. You couldn't do a movie about Selma without that iconic image of them standing face-to-face with the Alabama troopers, so I knew I wanted to be a part of that image. I was just really honoured to be a part of the film. The research and preparation for it and all, it just cemented my knowledge of him further and deepened my understanding of how far he went, all of the battles that he fought. [Plus], how he's still impacting lives today, with his hunger project and the Wheat Street Baptist Church in Atlanta, a non-profit that outlives him and lives on in his honour.

The film does a remarkable job of dealing with subtlety, of dealing with not only all of the elements going on at the time, and a humanization of iconic characters like Dr. King. Do you see this telling as being particularly unique, and do you attribute that to DuVernay?
What's very unique about the portrayal here is it shows you that it wasn't happenstance, that there was a wealth of strategy. It was a strategized political movement understanding the consequences, the pros and the cons, the different points of view, what should be prioritized, what shouldn't be prioritized.

In the course of the retelling and looking back on the civil rights movement, a lot of people get lost in the mythology of it. That lessens what a great strategized movement it was, these lawyers and reverends and astute observers of the political system and [their] understanding of human nature and human behaviour, so that a non-violent movement could actually bring a great sense of power, and explaining that to folks who were participating in it.

What I liked about the movie is that fact that it wasn't about sitting anywhere you wanted to on a bus, or drinking from a certain water fountain or being able to access any restaurant you go to. It was a battle front and frontline where people's lives were at stake. Even more importantly, people lost their lives. I like to remind people that there's blood on that ballot box.

The American telling of our story of freedom and fighting for freedom, we always celebrate our armed forces saying that they made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy our freedoms here in America. Well, this movie is reminding us that there were ordinary citizens, not on some foreign shores but right in their own hometowns, who made the ultimate sacrifice to make sure that we had access to the freedoms that are guaranteed in the Constitution, making this nation live up to its values that were on paper but weren't in practice.

One of the moments that I remember in filming was standing on a bridge after we had finished the last day. The sun was setting, it was at dusk, and I stood on the Edmund Pettus Bridge alone, just looking down at the Alabama River. It was as if all the souls and the people who lost their lives, those bodies that were lost in the depths of that river were speaking out, saying "Remember us, tell our story, make sure they know what happened here."

It was a profound moment, to be standing on that hallowed ground, knowing that for so many nameless and faceless people who lost their lives, that we would be honouring them by telling this story. That's the uniqueness of this movie. It doesn't just make it some mythology of American history, it's poignant, how important even the battles of today are; the continuum and strategy and the humanness of the people who were a part of it show you, give you even more knowledge that you, as an individual, can also change the world.

I was surprised when the credits rolled that you actually shot in Selma.
It was profoundly moving because there were people there who acted as our background actors who were in the march. Two famous little girls who you see in interviews in documentary films talking to Martin Luther King, who Hosea had picked up, they were there.

Some of the folks who are now in their 80s and 70s came out to be a part of the movie. Between set-ups we were told this is what happened, this is how it happened, that person standing over there watching is the daughter or son or the grandson or granddaughter of the city councilman who fought us and stayed away.

I actually did something: I asked Stan Houston, who plays [Sheriff] Jim Clark, to see what the attitudes among all the extras were like. It was really interesting how he was able to come back and report. Some people haven't changed their opinions. [Houston] has gone so far as to get flack from the very people related to Jim Clark and who lived in town. He's getting feedback that he shouldn't have portrayed him, and why he gave a portrayal that wasn't going to be flattering.

We realized that we were on the very bridge where this happened, we were on the very spot where this happened. Edmund Pettus was actually a Klansman, [so there's] the irony that this seminal civil rights moment happened on a bridge named after a KKK member. It shows you the irony and pain and the shared experience in history that everyone on both sides shares. It's until we come to an understanding that this is a shared experience and a shared original sin of America, we'll never get to a place of understanding.

It was not just a movie, it was one of the highlights and profoundly cathartic moments in my life.

Yet this isn't simply a documentary, it's a film with the conventional act structure of drama. What was your own reaction to the telling?
You look at the work that Martin Luther King did over a 13-year period when he was in the public eye -- how could you begin to depict and show the impact that he had?

People lost their lives, black and white and young and old, and I thought to take this one moment in the 13-year arc, it would illuminate reality, show the specificity of who he was as a man, realizing the ever-present shadow of his own death, realizing that he had his own challenges within his organization, which impacted challenges within his family. [Also] knowing that the full weight and resources of the American government were against him, challenging his fate of whether or not he was doing something that was going to be beneficial, [whether] he was doing the right thing for his people, jeopardizing their lives.

You see at the end of the movie that he was 39 at the time of his assassination. To think of where you are at 39, it just shows you that impact. And he started at 26, you know? That was the thing that they'd learned from other successful biopics, to take one moment of significance in the whole volume of things that the person had done and you'll be able to illuminate the whole arc.

The more specific you are, the more universal it becomes. You can't look at this movie and see it as just some black movie from the '60s, a black movement from the '60s. You look at this and you go, wow, this is a movement that has been replicated around the world where people learned from this strategy, learned from this man who opened people's eyes. It's Capetown to Myanmar and ongoing in Hong Kong today. You cannot sit and watch this film without thinking about what's happening in the world today, happening here in America today, happening around the world.

How have people like Congressman John Lewis responded to the film?
We had a special screening in Santa Barbara as we honoured the legends who paved the way. Oprah invited them to a special screening, and to sit there with C.T. Vivian, and Juanita Abernathy, Ralph Abernathy's widow, Myrlie Evers, who was Medgar Evers' widow, Jesse Jackson, Sidney Poitier, Berry Gordy, Quincy Jones, Marian Wright Edelman, who started the Children's Defense Fund, Diane Nash ... all of these men and women who were part of this movement.

To have them there in the theatre to see this film, and to get their blessing, was one of the most satisfying moments. We wanted to get their blessing, we wanted to make sure we did right by them. For years to come, people will come to know them through our film. We knew we had a great responsibility to do them honour.

They actually talked to John Lewis and asked him about Hosea and that moment of walking across the bridge, and to get his approval. [He said] it's a job well done, you guys are telling our story and so many people are going to really understand what we went through because of the movie. That was one of those moments in your career where it goes beyond the actual work itself.

This whole experience of this movie is really very cathartic and a powerful moment, for me to honour those fathers and mothers, my parents' generation. My father's going to be 90 years old in a few weeks, and for him to be able to see this movie and I'm able to thank him, it's truly an honour.

"Selma" is opening in Canadian theatres on January 9, 2015. It is already playing in select U.S. theatres.

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13 Movie Mistakes From Your Favorite Superheroes


Having super powers definitely has its perks, but between knocking down skyscrapers and getting all the girls (or guys), superheroes aren't immune to the occasional mess-up.

Like pretty much every movie, superhero flicks are sometimes littered with continuity errors and visible gaffes (e.g. harness wire). So, here are some of the most noticeable superhero movie mistakes, proving that no franchise is invulnerable.

Per usual, all photos courtesy of
superhero movie mistakes

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'Game of Thrones' Mixtape Will Bring The Noise With Anthrax


Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax Perform At The Gibson Amphitheatre
"Game of Thrones" is already pretty metal, what with all the swords and dragons and George R.R. Martin's beard, but the mixtape for next season will really take things to a new level. Last season's mixtape, "Catch the Throne," relied primarily on hip hop artists for songs that riffed on "GoT" themes and used samples from the show.

However, this year things are gonna get a little hairy. Anthrax's Scott Ian, whose impressive goatee rivals GRRM's, has revealed that his band will be contributing a song to this year's "Catch the Throne" mixtape, as per Facebook.

Scott Ian told Metal Hammer Magazine that writer, executive producer, and showrunner DB Weiss is a big fan of Anthrax. He said, "I asked Dan, 'Hey man, what would be the possibility of us recording the drums for the next album in the throne room?' Like we bring a mobile studio and set up the drums, mic everything and record in here. He says, 'Oh my God, that would be the sickest thing ever. We know the guys that can make that possible.'

"All of you out there who watch 'Game Of Thrones,' much like me, probably think it's a very metal TV show. And just know: the reason for that is that one of the creators is a huge metalhead."

Anthrax's next album will come out in 2015. "Game of Thrones" will return on this spring.

[Via Metal Hammer, EW]

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9 Best 'Friends' Episodes Ever, Ranked


Happy New Year, everyone! Or should we say, happy "Friends" on Netflix day ... It's true. On January 1st you will be able to watch Monica, Joey, Rachel, Phoebe, Chandler, and Ross anytime you want via the streaming service. So start 2015 right by settling in with one of the best sitcoms ever. We'll even help you choose which viewing is essential. Yup -- we've ranked what we think are the 9 greatest episodes of the series of all time. Enjoy! And let us know if you have any luck getting that Rembrandts theme song out of your head after a long weekend of binging ...

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Live Out Your 'Downton Abbey' Fantasies At This Hotel


Diehard fans of the veddy British PBS show "Downton Abbey" should start saving their pence. Highclere Castle, which is practically its very own character on the PBS show, is already open for walking tours, but now you can spring for your very own overnight stay at the on-site London Lodge. The Earl and Countess of Carnarvon have spent several years and plenty of cash renovating the buildings just north of the main estate.

London Lodge boasts a working fireplace, as well as more modern amenities like Wi-Fi and TV. It will be open for Valentine's Day weekend, and then select weekends after the castle opens for tours on Easter. Rooms start at $540 a night. The fifth season of the show premieres in the US on January 4th on PBS.

[Via CNTraveler]

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New Year's Resolutions for TV Characters


Smart people behaving foolishly. That seems to be the essence of scripted TV these days, as characters we've come to admire for their savvy get themselves into terrible trouble because they make regrettable decisions. Sure, that sort of behavior makes for great drama and comedy, but it also makes for messy lives. If our favorite TV characters really want to clean up their acts, they'll take our advice and adopt these custom-tailored New Year's resolutions.

Sansa Stark ("Game of Thrones"): I will not accept any wedding invitations.

Mindy Lahiri ("The Mindy Project"): I will remember that life is not a romantic comedy, and everything doesn't turn out the way it does for Meg Ryan.

Lisa Simpson ("The Simpsons"): After 25 years, I will finally pass the second grade.

Don Draper ("Mad Men"): Maybe seeing Bert Cooper dancing down the hallway after his death is a sign that I shouldn't drink so much.

Saul Goodman (formerly of "Breaking Bad," soon to be seen on "Better Call Saul"): I will find a better class of clientele. Maybe just white-collar criminals.

The cast of "Scandal": We will stop mixing work and our social lives.

Frank and Claire Underwood ("House of Cards"): Yeah, that's probably a good idea.

Alicia Florrick ("The Good Wife"): Me, too.

Fitz ("Scandal"): Oh, one more for me: no more presidential phone sex. You never know who's listening...

Jane Villanueva ("Jane the Virgin"): I'll go through with the malpractice suit against the gynecologist whose epic blunder left me pregnant, even if she is the sister of hunky, wealthy Rafael. Or at least I'll make Rafael cough up for daycare.

Jonah ("Silicon Valley"): I will never get into a driverless, computer-controlled car again.

The cast of "Orange Is the New Black": Is it too late to get time off for good behavior?

Paige ("The Americans"): I know my parents are weird and secretive, but I will not look too hard for the skeletons in their closet, since I might be super creeped out by what I find.

Sheldon Cooper ("The Big Bang Theory"): I will interact more with lesser human beings, and I won't always bring disinfectant wipes.

Jules Cobb ("Cougar Town"): I'll stop drinking so much red wine and switch to something less heavy-duty. Like white wine.

Will Graham ("Hannibal"): I will try to get some sleep, though I'll surely be troubled by nightmares.

Jack Larsen ("Stalker"): Um, maybe I should stop being a stalker? Or at least appearing to be one?

Sterling Archer ("Archer"): You know that whole "Miami Vice" thing we did throughout last season? I'll forget it if you viewers will.

John Thackery ("The Knick"). Imagine how much more brilliant and trailblazing a surgeon I could be if I weren't high on liquid cocaine all the time. Maybe I could have invented transplant surgery in 1900 if I weren't so busy probing the spaces between my toes for injectable veins.

The extended Braverman clan ("Parenthood"): When we have our series finale at the end of January, we won't make you cry... too much.

The cast of "Parks and Recreation": Neither will we... oh, who are we kidding? You'll weep as hard as if Li'l Sebastian died all over again.

Valerie Cherish ("The Comeback"): I'll be back.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham ("Downton Abbey"): I will consult with my family before embarking on any new business ventures, since I'm clearly hopeless at such things. Although that American fellow, Ponzi, seems like a successful money manager...

Dowager Countess Violet Crawley ("Downton Abbey"): I shan't be making any resolutions, as I do not require any self-improvement. Though I can think of others who do.

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Sam Raimi Talks 'Spider-Man 3' Mistakes on Nerdist Podcast


Writer/director Sam Raimi was on this week's Nerdist podcast with Chris Hardwick, Jonah Ray, and Matt Mira earlier this week, and the "Evil Dead" director was refreshingly open about some of the mistakes he made with "Spider-Man 3." Raimi was one of the first indie directors to be tapped for a major franchise, and while "Spider-Man" and its sequel were fairly well received, "I messed up plenty with the third 'Spider-Man," Raimi told the Nerdist folks.

Raimi said, "It's a movie that just didn't work very well. I tried to make it work, but I didn't really believe in all the characters, so that can't be hidden from people who loved 'Spider-Man.' If the director doesn't love something, it's wrong of them to make it when so many other people love it." He added that trying to raise the stakes even higher for the third film was "what doomed us. I should have just stuck with the characters and the relationships, and progressed them to the next step, and not tried to top the bar. I think that was my mistake."

Raimi later added, "Most people just want to talk about the successful pictures... but very times do you hear filmmakers talking about their bad movies. I mean, people aren't interested in them."

Next up, Raimi is exec producing the TV series "Ash vs. Evil Dead," which will star his old pal Bruce "The Chin" Campbell. The series is expected to debut in 2015.

[Via Nerdist, Pajiba]

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Latest News Cinema Blend

Latest News Cinema Blend

Here's How To Do Clay Davis' Epic Catchphrase From The Wire

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 02:35 PM PST

While movie and TV characters are normally the ones with catchphrases that audiences love repeating, sometimes the actors themselves manage to attach themselves to a particular word or phrase. In this case, it's The Wire star Isiah Whitlock Jr, who has turned the word "shit" into a drawn-out television institution. Now he's teaching people how to say it.

Edward Herrmann, Grandfather On Gilmore Girls, Is Dead At 71

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 02:20 PM PST

Anyone who ever watched the CW's tentpole series Gilmore Girls should fondly remember Edward Herrmann's Richard Gilmore, the stuffy but kindhearted father of Lorelei and grandfather of Rory who appeared on the CW drama for most of its run. Unfortunately, Herrmann passed away this morning at a hospital in New York City.

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Steam Holiday Sale Ending With Huge Encore

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 02:02 PM PST

Wait! Don't put your wallet away just yet, folks, because Steam would like to make you a few offers that are going to be difficult to refuse. In traditional holiday sale fashion, the digital distributor with a love for low-low prices is ending the year with one final blowout, reintroducing some of the most popular discounts from the past several weeks in the "Encore Sale."

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15 Brilliant Hollywood Stars We Lost In 2014

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 02:02 PM PST

The Two Marvel Roles Emily Blunt Turned Down, And Why

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 01:32 PM PST

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Paparazzi Lets You Chase Celebrities On PS4

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 12:45 PM PST

Ever dreamed of one day becoming a shady tabloid photographer or perhaps a celebrity, cleverly ducking said tabloids by moving quickly or hiding in a crowd? Then Paparazzi is the game for you. It's an indie darling that's been making quite a few waves at trade shows this year and, come February, you'll be able to play it on your PlayStation 4.

Gamer Calls 911 Over Christmas PSN Attack

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 12:36 PM PST

Gamers were seriously frustrated by the PSN downtime over the holidays. One teenager went so far as to call 911 over the outage.

New DVD Releases: January 2015 In Home Entertainment

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 12:02 PM PST

EA Denies Origin Account Information Was Stolen

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 11:39 AM PST

Recently it was reported that Origin users were suffering from fraudulent purchases on their accounts and that users were warned to change their security information. Well EA has stated that there was no breach on their end.

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This Iron Man 3 Character Was Originally Going To Die In A Very Different Way

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 11:33 AM PST

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DayZ's Dumb Ways To Die Revealed By Music Video

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 11:04 AM PST

So many different dumb ways to die in DayZ. The question is: how many ways have you died in DayZ? If you haven't played the game the following music video will be very enlightening. If you have played the game then it's basically just a visual history lesson for you.

How Netflix Will Help You Lie To Your Kids On New Year's Eve

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 10:27 AM PST

This year, Netflix has a few New Year's tricks up its sleeve. The company has taken tired kiddies and annoyed parents into consideration this holiday season and have put together a New Year's Eve special of All Hail King Julien that will allow parents to fool their younger kiddos on when the New Year has actually hit.

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Christopher Nolan Shows How He Filmed Interstellar Without Using Green Screen

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 09:59 AM PST

Diablo 3 Season 1 Is Almost Over

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 09:36 AM PST

Diablo 3's first season is drawing to a close, Blizzard announced today. The studio outlined in a blog post how the transition to Season 2 will play out.

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Foxcatcher's Main Character Seems To Have Declared War On The Director

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 09:06 AM PST

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GameStop Announces Halo Day Celebration

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 08:56 AM PST

If you're looking to kick off your New Year with Master Chief, then GameStop has you 100 percent covered. The popular chain of games stores will host a "Halo Day" this Saturday, Jan. 2, offering up "savings and exclusive goodies" to series fans who drop by for the festivities.

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What Bill Clinton Told Ethan Hawke While They Peed Next To Each Other

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 08:45 AM PST

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Liam Neeson Says His Taken Movies Have Totally Ruined This One Thing For Americans

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 07:54 AM PST

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Sam Raimi Admits He Messed Up Spider-Man, Explains What Went Wrong

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 07:03 AM PST

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The 15 Best New TV Characters In 2014

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 02:21 AM PST

You can't have a great television show without great characters. It's just not possible. And since 2014 was such a solid year for TV, there were a ton of new characters that made an indelible impression on audiences. Here are the 15 best new television characters of 2014...

How Terry Crews Feels About Someone Else Being Cast As Luke Cage

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 10:50 PM PST

When the mountainous mass of muscles that is Terry Crews wants something, it seems perfectly plausible to me that he should always get it. But he's never been able to land the long-sought after role of superhero Luke Cage, a role that recently went to Mike Colter. How did Crews react?

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This Is Why X-Men Fans Will Want To Buy The Rogue Cut

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 10:01 PM PST

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10 Big Superhero Questions We'll Get Answers To In 2015

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 09:36 PM PST

This Is Apparently The Best TV Title Sequence Of 2014

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 09:29 PM PST

Here in 2014, movie and TV opening credits are arguably more complicated and divine than they've ever been, as "telling audiences who's in the project" has largely been replaced by "awesome visuals that tie into themes, plus the cast and crew." And according to those who make it their duty to report on such things, here's the greatest title sequence of 2014.

Watch This Supercut Of Epic Movie Shots From 2014

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 09:26 PM PST

Jennifer Lawrence Joins Her Hunger Games Co-Stars To Support This Worthwhile Cause

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 08:45 PM PST

This Man Built The Perfect Olaf From Frozen For His Grandson

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 08:20 PM PST

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Xbox Live, PSN Attack Being Investigated By FBI

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 07:52 PM PST

Following the Christmas attacks against Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network, it appears as if the FBI is getting involved with the hackers responsible for the attacks. This could spell bad news for the kids who ruined Christmas for Xbox and PlayStation owners.

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One Of The Unbroken Actors Got To Play His Own Grandfather

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 07:39 PM PST

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3 Big Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Banshee

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 07:15 PM PST

Cinemax's Banshee has slowly and steadily been building an audience over at the subscription cable network. It's a show with a short episode count but a lot of punch, and if you haven't caught Cinemax's small town, action-oriented drama, here are three big reasons to tune in.

Christine Cavanaugh, Brilliant Voice Actress Of Rugrats Fame, Dead At 51

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 07:12 PM PST

To anyone going through their formative years during the 1990s, the career of voice actress Christine Cavanaugh was an important one, even if the name isn't instantly familiar. Sadly, Cavanaugh died on December 22 at the age of 51.

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Star Wars Voted Most Anticipated Movie Of 2015

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 05:46 PM PST

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The 10 Most Explicit Shows Of 2014

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 05:22 PM PST

While some people obviously have severe problems with nudity and violence on television, I revel in that kind of stuff. But it was still no easy task to put together the 10 most explicit TV series of 2014, because some of these shows' filters seem to either be absent or clogged with hair and viscera. What a year, though.

The 10 Highest Grossing Movies Of 2014

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 04:13 PM PST

PlanetSide 2 PS4 Beta Coming In January

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 03:58 PM PST

Fans of the free-to-play shooter from Sony Online Entertainment can finally take a sigh of relief after it's been revealed that details on the PlayStation 4 beta will be coming soon. How soon? How about January soon?

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